Shikamru meets Yasu

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Shikamaru was sitting next to Sora and she began to stir in her sleep. Shikamaru looked at her and her eyes soon opened. In a second she was out of the bed and stood by a wall in a defensive position. Shikamaru was shocked but he soon stood up and walked towards Sora. A low growl escaped her mouth. Shikamaru stopped in front of her. Sora glared at Shikamaru and he just sighed.

"What a drag." He mumbled.

He reached his hand out to Sora and she instinctively reached her hand out to his but quickly withdrew it realising what she was doing. That's when Shikamaru saw the fear in her eyes.

"What's got you so scared?" Shikamaru asked.

Sora looked at him and clutched her head in pain and her eyes rolled back in her head and she fainted. Before she could hit the ground Shikamaru caught her. He held her close to him and looked down at her worried.

"What happened to you." He mumbled in worry.

He placed Sora down on the bed. He went to walk out but before he could a blue light that formed into the shape of a human stood in front of him. Shikamaru instinctively pulled out a kunai but he didn't feel threatened by what it was.

"So you're Shikamaru I've heard so much about you from Sora." A female voice said.

"Who are you and how do you know Sora?" Shikamaru asked.

"I'm her ancestor my name is Yasu." She said.

Shikamaru looked at her suspicious. Yasu walked past Shikamaru and next to Sora. Shikamaru watched carefully to make sure this stage being didn't do anything to Sora.

"She did everything she could so to so she wouldn't become what she is now. But I'm Not surprised that this did happen after what happened to her." Yasu spoke looking at Sora.

"What do you mean?" Shikamaru asked.

"She was mentally tortured for a very long time. I'm surprised she didn't snap sooner." Yasu explained.

"How can I help her?" Shikamaru asked.

"It'll take awhile but you can bring her back. Just be careful for the one who did this to her will want her back. Also if you can't manage to bring her out of her dark state I have a plan." Yasu said.

Yasu soon disappeared and Shikamaru looked at Sora slightly shocked.

"What a drag. You always pull me into to stuff like this you troublesome
woman. However I can't help but still love you." Shikamaru said with a sigh.

Shikamaru left the room and Sora stayed asleep.  Meanwhile Tatsuo was i Ln Inochi's house sipping some tea. He was there to figure out if someone should go through Sora's memories to see what happened to her. They however weren't sure because despite needing to know what happened they didn't want to invade her privacy.

"Why not get Ibiki to question here." Choza said as he showed up out of nowhere.

They looked at Choza in thought but a voice crushed their dreams.

"That won't work. She's basically Ibiki's apprentice she know fall for his tricks and it won't work on her." Shikaku said.

They looked at him and sighed knowing his was right.

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