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A/N from this point on there will be quite a bit of switching between Sora's or another characters point of view to third person. Please know that I'm use to wring in a characters point of view so there may be a few mistakes when it's third person. I hope you're enjoying this story and have lovely lives.

~~~~3rd person pov~~~~

There in a dark room Sora sat chained up. She looked up and her eyes were hollow void of anything. They were empty, shadowed over and cold. Footsteps were heard and the one who made Sora this way walked in.

"Have you finally decided to join me." He asked.

Sora looked up with a blank face and nodded without saying a word. He unlocked the chains and stood up slowly. She walked out of the room to the main area where the few members of the akatsuki were. When she walked out a few of the members seemed to raise their guard.

She stood there emotionlessly as they began talking about the tailed beast. Soon the all split up leaving Sora with who she knew as Madara and Zetsu. Zetsu turned to madara and madara just stared at Sora.

"You have a mission to do. Someone is snooping around and trying to find information on the akatsuki. I want you to find them and deal with them." Madara said.

Sora nodded and walked out of the base and went to find the people she had to. She jumped through the forest. As she was going she summoned Yuki and the second Yuki saw Sora her face contorted in worry.

"Sora what's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing." Sora spoke in a dead voice.

Sora told Yuki to help her find her target and Yuki soon did. Once she did she was dismissed but instead of going back to her home she went to find Tatsuo because she knew is anyone could bring sora back it was him. Those two had a strong bound of sensei and student but also a bound that of a father and daughter.

Yuki hunted down Tatsuo to see he was making his way to the leaf with Aisura the therapist and his daughter. Yuki jumped down in front of them and Tatsuo's face contorted in confusion.

"What brings you here Yuki?" He asked.

"It's about Sora. She's different something happened to her and she's so emotionless. She's doing the akatsukis biding and I fear that if not brought out of her state soon she'll be stuck in it forever." Yuki said looking down.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN!" Aisura shouted.

"Calm down" Tatsuo said.

Tatsuo looked at Yuki wanting more explanation. Yuki sighed not knowing to much about the situation.

"All I know is Sora is blank. He eyes are so dead showing no emotion. She's broken, lost. I don't know what to do that's why I came to find you. Please Tatsuo help her. I may not act like it but I love her. She's so kind and caring and I want the best for her." Yuki said sadly.

"I'll do what I can. Kouta, Maki and Aisura go back to the leaf and tell the hokage what's happening. I'll go fine Sora with Yuki." Tatsuo said.

"No. I'm going with you. Sora is my old teammate and my best friend. I refuse not to come. I'm better now and I will help Sora. Besides do you know medical ninjutsu because I do and she may be injured or you may be injured so I'm coming." Aisura said firmly.

"And don't you think I'm not coming. I own that girl a lot. And you know full well I have ninja training to and will be helpful on this mission." Maki said.

"Well I guess there's not much I can do. Kouta are you okay going back to the leaf with my summoning?" Tatsuo asked.

"Of course." Kouta said.

Tatsuo bit his thumb and summoned a white lion very similar to the one his son summons and Kouta and the tiger soon went on their way to the leaf while the others went to find Sora.

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