His name is Mitsou

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A regal white lion was summoned and stood proudly beside the boy. I bit my thumb and slammed it to the ground summoning Yuki and she stood tall beside me.

"What do you want Mitsuo?" The lion asked the boy.

So the boys name was Mitsuo that's nice to finally know.

"Toshi I need you to help me kill that girl." Mitsuo said.

"You really don't give up do you." I said to the boy.

He just glare at me. The lion went to pounce at me but was blocked by Yuki. Soon the two were in a big fight. So now it was just Mitsuo and I.

Mitsuo chain came at me but I dodged it getting behind him and kicking his back sending him into a tree. He growled and came running at me but I dodged all his attacks. He slashed his sickle at me but I dodged it by doing a back flip and kicking it out of his hands. I then got in front of him and smashed him against a tree holding him there by his neck. I looked him dead in the eyes and I saw fear in his eyes.

"Hurry up and kill me." He snarled trying to hide his fear.

I glared at him and tightened my grip around his neck but not to tight to choke him.

"I'm not going to kill you. I could never do that to my sensei. Also you don't realise who you're helping." I said looking at him more gently.

"I know who I'm working for. I working for a great man." He said.

I sighed and spared a glance at Yuki to see she was still fighting the lion. But It looked like neither of them were puting their full into it.

"Yuki back down and come here but if he comes to attack me don't let him." I informed her.

She nodded and stood beside me. I stopped her because I could tell they didn't want to fight each other. The lion stayed put. I then returned my gaze to the boy.

"Listen here. I have every reason to kill you. My best friend was killed by one of Orochimaru's henchmen and now my other friend is suicidal. Do you really think a good man would cause this to happen?" I asked.

"They must have deserved-" he began but I stopped him.


He went quite and I looked away and blinked my tears away.

"Those two are wonderful people. They stood up for me when no one else did. The accepted me for who I was. They wanted to learn the true me and not the me that I used as a shield. They broke down my walls and supported me. I love them like family." I said calmly looking at the boy. "Also your father is a great man he treated me like a daughter he is what I expected a father to be like considering I didn't have the best farther. He told me about you, your sister and your mother. He said he was on a mission and while on the mission his whole family was killed by a previous leaf ninja and he was Orochimaru." I said with firm eyes.

"You're lying Orochimaru saved me." He growled.

"He did the same thing with me he killed my whole clan but kept me alive to do horrible things to me. Same with you but he trained and lied to you so you would fight for him."

"It can't be true can it?."

He went numb and fell to the ground. I kneeled in front of him and peered into his eyes.

"Look I can't make you believe me all I can do is tell you the truth the rest is up to you. But if you stay with Orochimaru let it be known I will not spare your life." I said standing up and looking down at him.

"Where would i go if I were to leave Orochimaru?" He asked

"Anywhere you want but I suggest the leaf."

"Why do I believe you? I must be going thank you. Maybe will meet again. I've gotta go find the truth for myself." He said as he disappeared and his summoning disappeared as well.

"You're dismissed Yuki thank you for your help." I said and Yuki disappeared.

Let's hope me letting the boy go doesn't bite me in the ass. I began my way back to my sensei I wonder way happen. a lot of time passed while I was fighting Mitsuo.

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