You're not bad

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I sat on the couch with my drawing pad drawing a picture of Shikamaru and his dad playing shoji.

"You're so wired troublesome woman." Shikamaru mumbled.

I threw my pencil at him and it hit him in the head.

"Really?" Shikamaru said looking at me.

I pouted and turned away from him still pouting and I heard him sigh.

"What's wrong. And why do you even want to even draw us two?" Shikamaru said.

"I shouldn't expect you to understand the desire to capture two people in a heated battle of the mind. A father and son the son trying his best to finally beat his father while keeping up a persona that he doesn't care and is lazy. Also the look on your faces as you plan multiple moves ahead. How could I not take the opportunity to capture that." I said smiling.

Shikamaru just sighed and threw my pencil back at me which I caught. They went back to playing and I went back to drawing. Truthfully I was manly drawing this picture because I wanted to draw Shikamaru but the other stuff I said was true to some extent.

I suddenly stopped drawing and threw my pencil and pad down when I saw Ena walk into the house with teary eyes. I jumped off the couch and ran over to her kneeling in front of her only to see small cuts on her as well as bruises.

"What happened?" I asked.

She ran into my arms and I hugged her holding her close.

"I told the girl I like that I like her and she told me to meet her by the swing. She got a group together to throw rocks at me saying I was a freak for liking girls when I myself am a girl. Do you hate me for liking girls. Am I a bad person." She sobbed into me.

"You're not a bad person for liking girls. You are human and I will love you despite what gender you like because all that matters is your happiness and if you are attracted to the same gender than I'm happy. I'm so happy that you had he guts to tell her that you liked her." I said hugging her.

"Really?" She said looking up into my eyes.

"Really. And when you go to the academy tomorrow hold you're head high for not being afraid to admit you like the same gender. Because you are a beautiful young lady that will grow up to be a strong ninja. And one day you'll find someone who loves you for you. You'll find friends who accept you. Because you my sweet dear are an amazing person" I said smiling down at her.

"You're the best." She said leaping up and hugging me.

I smiled and rubbed her back and gave her a small kiss on the forehead. She ran over to Shikaku and sat on his lap playing shoji with the other two. Than Shikamaru's mum walked up next to me and smiled.

"You're going to be a great mother one day. A great mother to my grandchildren." He said.

"Thank you miss Nara but I don't think I will." I said with a sad smile.

I sat back on the couch watching the three of them playing shoji.

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