His test

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I sat in the arena area waiting for Mitsou to show up. as I was sitting there Ibiki, as well as most of the people from TI, came walking in.Ibiki walked up to me with a small smile.

"that boy is in for a world full of pain." ibiki said.

"may he rest in peace." one of the underlings said.

"he's stronger than he looks." I said with a small smile.

"yea but you're scary as shit Sora." an underlying said shivering.

I glared at the person who spoke and he shrunk away.

"I mean miss Sora." he mumbled.

Ibiki began laughing as well as the others. I rolled my eyes at their silliness. soon Mitsou came walking in looking confused at all the laughing. he looked around causing more laughter. they all looked at Mitsou with pity. he noticed the looks and looked to me for answers.

"they pity you because you have to fight Sora." ibiki explained.

"why is that a big deal. I've fort Her before." he said confused.

"yes but this is a test and she's not going to go easy on you. beofre she didn't want to kill you. she wasn't giving it her all. but this time she will." Ibiki explained.

"I'm not scared." Mitsou said.

they looked at him with no more pity and just smirked. Soon everyone came and the hokage stood to the side and began the match. Mitsou and I stood off neither of us making a move. I had patience and was not going to make the first move. I watched as his patients began to grow thinner.

He soon lost his patiences and came running at me. Holding his chain and sickle his aimed his chain at me but I dodged it. He brought the chain back to him. He threw his sickle at me but I dodged it as well.

"Can you actually try and beat me?" I asked with a sigh.

"But I don't wanna kill you." He said.

"You'll end up dead with a mouth like that." I said.

"Yea whatever." He said.

I pulled out my two blades and in a second I was in front of him with my fist in his face and he went flying backwards. He groaned and he sat up. He didn't have the time to attack because I was in front of him and slashed at him gaining him a huge cut across his chest.

He stood up with determination in his eyes. I looked around to see everyone watching him with pity. He came running at me with his sickle but I blocked it with one of my blades. However he wrapped his chain around my leg and pulled it making me fall to the ground.

He brought his sickle down but I dodged it by rolling to the side. He went to hit me again but I kept dodging. I kicked him in the balls and he groaned in pain. I leaped up and got behind him and held my blade to his neck.

"That's what happens when you underestimate miss Sora. You get beaten to a pulp." Someone from TI shouted.

This test was over so now it was up to the hokage to decide if she wanted Mitsou as a ninja of the leaf or not.

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