marshmallow in my face

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We were setting up camp, we were nearly out of the snowy area but not quite yet. I started a fire while sensei set up the tents. once we finished we sat in front of the fire. i took off my blue jumper leaving me in long dark blue pants a sleeveless black turtleneck shirk and black gloves that just went passed my elbows. 

i looked to my sensei and i could see the distress in his eyes. an idea popped into my head and i pulled out a bag of marshmallows. i put three on a stick and roasted them over the fire. i pulled one off and threw it and my sensei and quickly pulled another one off and ate it. the marshmallow hit his forehead and he caught it before it hit the ground.

"really Sora? you're such a child." he mumbled.

"what're you talking about? i did nothing." i said with the marshmallow still in my mouth. 

"oh really?" he said a smirk coming to his face. 

in a second he was in front of me. he knocked me to the ground and rubbed the marshmallow all over my face. i pulled off the last marshmallow off the stick and put it all over his face. he stood up and tried to get it off his face. i sat up and tried to get it off my face.

"you're such a child." he grumbled. 

we walked to a close river that wasn't frozen over just really cold and washed our face. and in a split second i was in the water. thankfully the cold didn't affect me but i was still dripping wet. i heard my sensei laughing and walking away. i groaned and pulled myself out of the river. 

i walked back to camp to see Tatsuo sensei sitting down looking at a photo. i sat down on the opposite side of the fire and pulled out my sketch pad. i opened it and began to draw Tatsuo sensei. 

"wanna talk about it?" i asked going back to my usual serious self. 

"my son died that day I'm sure of it." he mumbled. 

i stayed quiet not sure if i should say the theory i came up with before. 

"he died that day with my wife and baby daughter. he can't be alive." he mumbled again. "what do you wanna say Sora, i can tell you have something to say." he said looking up at me.

"did you ever find your sons body." i asked carefully. 

"no, why?" he said still looking up at me.

i paused for a moment unsure if i should continue. but i decided to continue. 

"maybe, Orochimaru never killed your son, maybe he kept him alive and took him with him, like when he killed my whole clan but took me." i said getting worried about his reaction. 

he looked to be deep in thought and i just kept drawing my picture waiting for his reaction. 

"that's possible, but what would have happened to him if that is true." he whispered. "Sora what do you think, this is your theory."

"i don't think he was experimented on or touched because he seems to trust Orochimaru, so my thoughts are Orochimaru must have trained him so he would fight for him and probably filled your sons head with lies." i explained my theory to him. 

he looked to be deep in thought. he stood up and went into his tent. i sighed. maybe i shouldn't have told him. but if it is true then what would have Orochimaru told the boy? would he have turned the boy against his father? why did the boy hold so much rage. i snapped myself out of my thoughts and went into my tent. i closed my eye and drifted off to sleep. lets hope i don't have a nightmare,  i shouldn't that's gotten a lot better since I've been at the snow. soon i was surrounded by darkness. 

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