Aisura wakes up

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I was back in be library after leaving Shikamaru's house this morning. He found me in the library asleep. I had studying to do so I left early to do so. I sat in the back of the library reading one of the books the third hokage gave me. I needed to figure out how to properly do some new stuff. As I was reading an ANBU appeared in front of me.

"What do you want?" I asked looking up from my book.

"Aisura has woken up and he is asking for you." The ANBU said.

My eyes went wide and I ran out of the library and into Aisura's room within minutes. When I got to his room I saw Maki and her father. I completely ignored them and entered Aisura's room. When I did a warm smile came to my face as soon as I saw him. His eyes went wide and he leaped up from his bed and hugged me. I gladly return the hug.

"I'm so sorry Sora I-I just miss her so much and I felt I couldn't live without her. I'm so so sorry I tried to leave you." Aisura sobbed into my chest.

"It's fine I know how you feel. Just remember I'm always here if you ever need to talk." I said hugging him tighter.

He continued to sob and I just held onto him. I'm going to be here for him when he needs it. I then felt someone grab my arm an pull me out of the room. I spun around to see Maki glaring at me.

"Have I done something to piss you off!?" I snapped at her.

"I hate people like you so perfect with amazing lives and have loving family's with absolutely no hardships in life." She snarled at me.

I took a deep breath. I was not going to snap at her. I walked back into Aisura's room and gave him a smile.

"It seems I've gotta go but if you need anything I'm here for you." I said with a smile.

Aisura came up to me and gave me a hug. I then left the hospital and Maki glared at me when I left. As I was walking tothe library again my sensei walked up to me with a serious look on his face. I looked at him and he took a deep breath.

"Now that Aisura is awake he will be go to the snow to recover. I will be taking him there and return after I do so." He explained.

"Very well." I mumbled with my head down.

I didn't want Aisura to leave but if it was what was best for him than I'm happy. I just want Aisura to be happy again. I just hope he can come back from this.

"I'll make sure he gets there safe and that he stays with someone I know." Sensei said.

"Thank you." I said then left.

I made my way to the library and began to continue drawing the picture of Shenshi, Aisura and I so I could give it to Aisura before he left.

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