Out of the hospital.

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(A/N I have some pre written Parts for story so I'll be updating it more often for a bit. While taking the break to get my metal health back on track I've been writing and re watching Naruto. I hope you enjoy and have lovely lives.)

I sat in the room when Ena walked in with a smile.

"I have some news. They say Orochimaru was killed by Sasuke." Ena said happily.

I simply looked at her. A sigh escaped my mouth and I stood up before kneeling down before her. She looked at me shocked and I kissed her forehead.

"My dear Ena. Thank you. But I must be going. I want to be my old self but can't right now so I must visit somewhere. But I'll be back don't you worry." I said.

She went to say something but I jumped out of the hospital room. I took a deep breath and made contact with Yuki and I went up in a puff of smoke as she summoned me and I appeared in the icy land of the snow.

"Malady how are you." Yuki asked

I looked st her with a blank expression and I watched as she cringed.

"Im sorry about informing you sensei of you." She apologised.

"It's fine Yuki. You did it for me. Besides I have to make it to that cave." I said duly.

I jumped onto Yuki's back and she began running towards the cave where my ancestors reside. I was holding off on going there because there was a chance my parents spirits were there. It was about a three day trip because the cave was hidden deep within the land of snow.

I didn't want to worry about the leaf but there was still a part of me that couldn't just abandon the leaf. So I was going to leave but I would still put multiple things in place to make sure the leaf is protected because I still care for it despite trying not to.

We ran through the snow a I felt a pang in my chest remembering training with sensei. We passed a waterfall and a certain training sessions popped into my mind.

I sat under a freezing cold waterfall and shivering like crazy. I heard laughing and I looked up to see sensei. A growl escaped my mouth as I glared at him.

"What's so funny?" I spat with venom.

"It's just wired watching a Hisha shiver. But then again you're used to the weather in the land of fire but you'll get use to the cold soon." He said smiling.

"What are you talking about this is nothing." I said through chattering teeth.

He just laughed more making me roll my eyes. I closed my eyes focusing. If what he said was true than I could become immune to cold right. I sat there feeling the cold water run down my body and after an hour it just felt like normal water. I opened my eyes to see sensei smiling at me.

"Well done." He said happily.

I looked down and a small smile came to my face. I stood up and walked out of the water and when I did senseis eyes went slightly wide and I turned my head in confusion.

"Are you not cold you standing in the snow half naked and dripping wet?" He asked.

I just shook my head. Was I suppose to be cold I thought this training was so I got use to the cold.

I looked down. I miss times like that but I can't go back to that because he'll come for me and I'll follow his orders so that doesn't happen again.

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