Ena belives

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Ena came into the high surveillance room holding Aisura's hand. When she saw Sora she ran to her side. Ena grabbed Sora's hand and looked at her.

"Please don't leave me. You saved me from that horrid place. You're like a mother to me please to leave like my biological mother did." She begged.

Little did the child know that Sora was awake listening to her. The young ones words did reach Sora and she lightly squeezed Ena hand shocking her. Ena looked at her shocked but decided not to say anything due to the fact that this simple gesture didn't mean Sora was back to her old self. It just meant Sora still had the capacity to care.

But as if Sora realised what she was doing she stopped and she sat up shocking Aisura. Aisura walked up to her but stopped when he saw her blank face.

"I'm sorry Sora. I didn't keep my promise. I promised to stay with you forever and help you. But instead I left you alone after her death. leaving you to defend yourself. I was suppose to help you through your rough times." Aisura said choking up.

Ena watched Sora's face carefully and her eyes slightly widened.

"Get out!" She shouted at Aisura.

Aisura looked at Ena confused and she glared at him. She ended up kicking his shin really hard.

"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!" Ena screamed kicking him and making him leave.

"Watch your language." Sora spoke duly when Aisura left.

Ena smiled a little and sat next to Sora. She looked up at Sora and a sad smile came to her face. Despite Sora talking she was still messed up. But Ena still smiled at her mother figure still believing that she wouldn't hurt her.

"Do you wanna know what my mum told me?" Ena asked.

Sora looked at her showing she was paying attention.

"She said if you care for someone never give up on them because they're worth fighting for. Knowing this I know so many people aren't going to give up on you. Because you mean so much to so many people." Ena said looking down.

"All those people are wasting their time. Because there is no fixing me. So just give up." Sora spoke coldly.

"If you were a lost cause you could have killed many people by now. Do you really think I don't know you're extremely strong. You could have escaped and probably killed half the village by now. But here you are just sitting here not attacking anyone." Ena said firmly.

Sora went quiet and Ena tried to get her to talk again but to no avail. Ena sighed and left the room. When she left Aisura grabbed her hand and walked her to Shikamaru's house. When she made it back she walked in and sat down and she began to play shoji on her own.

"Was it bad?" Shikamaru's mum asked.

"No it was great. She'll be back to her self in no time!" Ena said with a bright smile.

They all looked at her shocked. How could she be so positive because the chances of helping Sora were looking very slim at the moment. But she somehow made everyone believe what she said.

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