Being cheesy

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Temari left the village this morning and Shikamaru had a day off as well as me so we both sat in a field watching the clouds. I turned to look at him and I felt my chest tightened. Shikamaru turned his head an our gazes met. We were staring into each other's eye and all that mattered at that moment was him. It was like it was only us that existed.

Shikamaru hand moved and he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear than placed his hand on my cheek. I leaned into his hand but kept my gaze to his eyes. He slowly inched my face towards his and our lips met and it felt like time stopped. I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life like this. Our lips soon parted what seemed like to soon. He pulled me into his chest and we both looked back to the sky content with being in each other's embrace.

"I'm going to get really cheesy." I whispered out of the blue.

"Go ahead you troublesome woman." Shikamaru said quietly with a smile.

I turned to him and our eyes once again met.

"I just want... to thank you for being my reason to look forward to the next day." I said to him.

He smiled and pulled me closer to him. I now leaned my head against his chest and heard his steady heartbeat.

"I love you, my troublesome woman." He said to me.

"And I love you my stupid Nara." I said.

We spent the rest of the day cloud watching and it soon turned into star gazing. I heard my stomach growl and a blush formed onto my face.

"Someone's hungry." Shikamaru said with a smirk.

I lightly punched his chest and sat up pouting. He sat up next to me then his stomach growled. I looked to him with a smirk and he gave a nervous laugh.

"Come to my place I'll make dinner." I said standing up.

He nodded and we went back to my place. I went into the kitchen and Shikamaru followed me. I pulled out the ingredients I would need to make homemade pizza. I began to chop the veggies and to my surprise Shikamaru began to cut the meat. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Cutting meat." He said simply.

"But isn't that to much trouble?" I asked.

"I'm not lazy all the time." He said. I just looked at him unconvinced. "Okay yes I am but that doesn't mean I won't help you cook. Besides it's not such a drag cooking with a troublesome woman." He said.

I rolled my eyes at him and continued to make the food. We soon finished and sat at the table together eating.

"I remember when you were to shy and insecure to eat in front of me. That was such a drag." Shikamaru said.

A small smile came to my face as I remembered that time. I then looked at Shikamaru and smiled.

"I'm glade I met you because I don't know where I would be right now if not for you." I said.

We soon finished and I washed the dishes and Shikamaru dried them. We soon finished and I walked Shikamaru to the door. Our eyes met and face drew closer. Our lips were about to meet until there was a knock on the door. I opened it to reveal my sensei. Shikamaru waved goodbye and left. And I was now left alone with my smiling sensei.

"Do you need the sex talk Sora?" He asked smiling.

I sighed and punched him but let him into my house.

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