this is only just beginning

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I was realised from the genjutsu by Shikamaru I looked at him than at the ten tails who was firing attack randomly. 

"that hell is it doing?" I mumbled. 

Suddenly it fired another attack and my eyes widened seeing it going towards headquarters. My eyes then narrowed. I brought my hands together forming ice that went after the attack. A bead of sweat ran down my face as I desperately tried to catch up with the attack. 

The second my ice caught up my eyes snapped open and I did hand signs forming an ice barrier around in. My knees began to shake as I struggled to hold it. It went off and my ice shattered. I fell to the ground panting. 

I know it still would have caused severe damage to headquarters but there should be no casualties. however, they won't be able to communicate be they were probably injured by the shock wave that hit them. I know I didn't stop it in time to stop all injuries. Shikamaru turned to me shocked as well as Ino. 

"we don't have time to think about this. we can't talk to HQ anymore meaning you're the main strategist Shikamaru." I said firmly. 

"thank you, Sora." He said before turning to the battlefield.

I felt a metallic taste come into my mouth. I then looked down at my hands and I clenched them and looked up. seems I going to reach my limit soon. I looked up to see wood being fired at us. I created an ice wall but if I didn't hold it us with all my chakra it would fall however I had something else to do. 

I weaved hand signs as everyone got prepared for the ice to shatter. My ice travelled underground and around the Ten-Tails.  Shikamaru quickly figured out what I was doing and began strategising accordingly. 

my ice wall was shattered and I growled. dammit. I froze in my place when I saw Hinata then Neji put themselves in front of Naruto. I went to change the jutsu I was doing but I didn't have enough time and ninja fell into Naruto's arms. 

my eyes only narrowed. We have to end this war now. I heard them talking but I didn't pay attention as I began casting my jutsu. Ice began surrounding the ten tails and by the time I was ready which was after a minute or two Naruto was again ready to fight. 

so the plan was set into place. Naruto gave people his chakra including me. and then they began the ino-Shika-Cho formation. ice pillars formed along with ice dragons and they wrapped around the ten tails. after truly securing him I made them completely solidify. I then began wrapping it up in ice and as I did this a stone jutsu was cast along with the Nara paralysis. 

after I finished wrapping the ten tails in ice I then began to work on the stone around it to truly make sure it would be held down. when I was complete I fell to the ground panting. the nine tails were helping a great deal and it was also healing me and letting me recuperate so when it did disappear I would still be able to go at full strength. but that didn't mean me using my kekkei genkai so much wasn't putting a toll on me. 

the tails of the ten tails came at us. so everyone began attacking. many jutsu was hurled including my ice shard but it didn't seem to do much. we all jumped up attacking and because of as all covered in the nine tails chakra it looked like a bird. 

ninjutsu user went for Obiyo while taijutsu went for Madara. but we all cut through the tails of the ten tails first. then their links to the ten tails were cut. But I got the feeling this was only just begging. 

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