Vs Madara part 2

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Third person pov

Madara fought the five kage's but as he did he realised his moves becoming more sluggish and after focusing for a moment he realised what was happening. It was a forbidden jutsu of the Hisha clan. Madara was all too familiar with it. It's a pesky jutsu that is hard for him to even deal with. And it's as strong if not stronger than Yasu the person who performed this jutsu on Madara.

The young Uchiha stood surrounded by white-haired blue-eyed Shinobi from another region. They all held strength in their eyes as they face off with the notorious Uchiha and after a long battle the Shinobi fell to the Uchiha's hand.

But as the Uchiha went to leave an ice wall blocked his path. His eyes narrowed and he reactivated his sharigan. He looked up to a tree to see an unfamiliar chakra. It was similar to the others he fought and yet it was extremely different. It was colder and held more power.

"Are you from their clan. Are you here to average your comrades." The Uchiha spoke.

The person didn't speak causing the Uchiha to pay more attention and that was when he realised how weird her chakra was being. Was she casting a jutsu?

Suddenly a wave of coldness came over him. He focused on himself and saw the same chakras the unknown foe has inside himself, and it was expanding rapidly.

Madara soon fell to the ground shivering and the thought of his little brother crossed his mind. He gritted his teeth and stood tall.

"Isuma I will be coming home." Madara mumbled.

The person in the tree slightly tensed hearing the earnest in the apparently heartless Uchiha's voice. They found themselves no longer, wanting to destroy the Shinobi before them. So they stopped the jutsu.

The Uchiha looked up at the tree to see the Shinobi revealing themselves and what he saw was shocking. A young girl around his age 13 looking at him with sad deep blue eyes.

"I will not kill today Madara Uchiha, for it seems you have someone to return to and I don't want to take that away from your loved one. I know all too well what it feels like to lose someone you love. I apologise for my clan's involvement." She said.

She turned to walk away only for the Uchiha to appear in front of her holding a blade to her throat.

"Why not kill me. Those I killed are obviously people from your clan." Madara asked.

"If I kill you out of hate that will only continue the vicious cycle of hate. So I chose to let you live in hopes this small action can bring us closer to peace." She said.

Madara found himself allowing the girl to leave but before she was out of sight he called to her.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Yasu Hisha." She said.

Madara only smirked. If only he still didn't know how to deal with this jutsu the girl might have a chance. But unfortunately, it would still take a bit of time to stop.

Sora's Pov

I gritted my teeth as I struggled to hold the jutsu. Damn Madara, he's strong. I felt my body being risen up but I ignored it and focused on Madara well, that was until I fell and there was scorching heat.  but I nonetheless I stayed focused.

It was taking longer than expected because he noticed sooner than I expected. I felt myself coming to my limit and I growled. But I wasn't giving up. However, suddenly it broke and the worst case scenario happened. It backfired on me.

I opened my eyes to see my skin turning purple and blue from the coldness. I was shivering like crazy. You have got to be kidding me. It going to take a bit to recover. I deactivated my kekei genkai and laid there. After a few minutes, I managed to get up only to see the kage's fighting multiple Susanoo.

I went to go help them even though I wouldn't be able to do much in my weakened state. I went to jumped towards them only to have the real Madara appear in front of me. I jumped back and skidded back.

"I wonder if you can dance like Yasu." He said with a smirk.

My eyes slightly widened. How did he know Yasu? I however cut my thoughts short to dodged Madara's attack. I jumped up when wood came at me. I dodged it not so well and gained a large gash on my arm.

"It seems your steps have faltered. But I know that that forbidden jutsu takes a lot out of someone and it backfired meaning you must be in pain." He said.

I gritted my teeth. He wasn't wrong. My body stung and ached but how did he know the after effect if it so happens to backfire. But I wasn't going to let my weakened state show.

"If you really wanna dance then I will comply." I said as a smirk formed on my face.

I jumped back as I formed two twin ice blades. When I finished I crouched the ground. I lept up and went to hit him however he was surrounded by his Susanoo.

I growled I once again activated my kekkei genkai. One of my blades disappeared and I put my chakra into my fist. I punched the Susanoo and it caused a small crack. I forced my chakra into it and fragments of ice began to form.

"Do not underestimate me Madara Uchiha for I am Sora Hisha the sole survivor of the Hisha clan." I stated.

After the ice was spread well through the Susanoo I brought my hands together. Shatter. The Susanoo shattered and I watched the slight shock on Madara's face.

I went to punch him but my body tensed. I tasted metal in my mouth and I ended up coughing up blood. I covered my mouth but when I brought my hands down I was shocked not to just see crimson red but also the fact that my hands were close to freezing.

Damn, I'm pushing my limits. But to protect everyone I will push and keep pushing until I can't any more.

I was about to attack again only for him to go back to the kage. I jumped to them and when Tsunade saw me he eyes slightly widened.

"I'm sorry the jutsu failed." I said.

"Go find Naruto and assist him." The kage said.

I nodded and jumped away. As I ran my fists clenched. I had one job and I couldn't do it.

I shook my head. No focus on your next task. Finding Naruto and helping him. I deactivated my kekkei genkai again so I had time to recover.

As I ran I heard someone beside me and I looked to see Aisura. He looked at me and began healing me. I sighed as we both ran together.

"So reckless." He mumbled.

"Shouldn't you be with Maki in the medical unit." I asked.

"I was told to join you. Also, I know now isn't the time but I want to tell you the truth about how I feel." He said.

I looked back at him confused but I saw the conflict in his eyes. He continued healing me and we ran as he began explaining.

"I don't love her. But while in the snow she told me how she felt. I didn't wanna hurt her so I lied and said I felt the same. I also used it so you wouldn't worry about me. But truthfully I still love Shenshi." He explained.

"I know it will take a long time for you to move on but don't be afraid to love another. Shenshi wouldn't want to suffer. She would want you to move on and have a happy life." I said.

He stayed quiet. This must have been eating away at him for awhile. I shook my head. We couldn't dwell on this anymore. There were more pressing matters at hand.

"Do you know where Naruto is?" I asked

"Fifteen minutes at this rate." He said.

I nodded. That should be enough time to reciprocate. Well, let's hope it's enough time.

Protector (sequel to lost)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin