Meeting the therapist

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I stood there bowing at the extremely angry hokage. The hokage just yelled at me for an hour straight.

"What gave you the idea to let a possible threat to the leaf go and run around and do kami knows what?" She said more calmly.

"I deeply apologise lady hokage I let my emotions cloud my judgement. However I will not lie to you if I went back in time to that situation I still would have let him go." I said calmly

"What emotional connection to you have with that boy!?" She said getting mad again.

"He's my sensei son milady." I spoke calmly and she froze. She then sighed and seemed to be calmer.

"And if this boy joins Orochimaru again and becomes a threat to the village." She asked.

"Then I will not hesitate to kill him." I spoke firmly.

"If you couldn't kill him the first time what makes you think you can do it a second?"

"He didn't know the acts Orochimaru committed and was lied to. And I believe he deserves a second chance to redeem himself however if he chooses the wrong path I will not hesitate to take him down."

"Very well. I expect if you see that boy again and he is a threat that you will eliminate him or bring him back to the leaf for him to be interrogated. You are dismissed."

I bowed and left and went to Aisura's hospital room. I sat down but looked behind me when I heard two people enter. I saw a girl around my age with darker skin with purple and pink hair and yellow eyes. And there was a male with pinky purple hair and yellow eyes.

"Hello and who might you two be?" I asked standing up and looking at them.

"This is my daughter Maki Yuu and I'm Kouta Yuu I'm going to be Aisura's therapist." The man said.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Sora Hisha." I said with a slight bow.

"So what's your relationship with this boy?" Asked Maki.

"I'm his teammate." I said simply.

"You mean the person who let her teammate try to commit suicide and let her other one die?"

"Excuse me!"

"You have no idea what it means to be depressed and after letting Aisura girlfriend die you didn't help him you're a pathetic teammate."

"You know nothing about me or my relationship with Aisura." I said before walking out of the hospital room so I wouldn't snap.

I left the hospital and made my way to the library and sat at a table and began to draw a picture of Aisura, Shenshi and I. Before I knew it I fell asleep on the table completely wiped out from the mission and still feeling a stinging pain from my leg. As I was asleep I felt someone pick me up but I just stayed asleep feeling safe in their arms.

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