Suicidal friend

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(A/N this part has suicide in it. If that makes you uncomfortable Please don't read the first part of this.)

I ran up to Aisura who was leaning against Shenshi's grave with deeply cut wrists. I rushed up to him and pulled out two pieces of cloth and held them onto his wrists to try and stop the bleeding. He looked up at me with sad eyes. Tears filled my eyes. I put his arm over my shoulder still holding the cloths to his wrists. I began walking to the hokages office considering it was closer than the Hospital and I could tell Aisura didn't have long.

I soon got to the hokages office and Aisura was practically unconscious. I rapidly knocked on her door. She said come in and I barged into her office tears still in my eyes. When she saw Aisura she stood up immediately. I placed him down and both the hokage and Sakura who I only just noticed was here began to heal him.

"Someone go get the medical core." Lady hokage ordered.

"I will." I said standing up.

This was when I noticed Shikamaru and Temari where in the room. My eyes met with Shikamaru and his eyes held worry. I simply turned away from him and ran to the hospital. I got to the hospital and quickly explained what happened and we rushed back to the hokages office.

They lifted Aisura up onto a stretcher and took him to the hospital. I cleaned my fist as i watched them leave. I tried desperately to hold back my tears but failed. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Sakura.

"Don't worry I'm sure he'll be fine. The medical ninja will take good care of him." She spoke.

I simply nodded and walked out of the hokages office ignoring the worried expressions of everyone. As I was walking out Shikamaru was about to walk up to me but I shook my head and he stayed put. I walked to the hospital and waited in the waiting room. I brought my knees up to my chest and buried my face in my knees.

The idiot, why didn't he come to me if he was feeling like this. I know when you feel so much pain that you wanna die you don't wanna tell anyone, but I wish he would have spoken to me because I've been through what he's going through. In fact I've only recently recovered from that myself. I tried to kill myself multiple time in the snow because my sensei made me sleep making me relive my past. However I was stopped every time. He gave me support and love. And he helped me overcome my suicide and the fact I couldn't sleep.

I was so deep in though I didn't notice people enter the waiting room until someone wrapped their arm around me and pulled me into a hug. I looked up and saw Shikamaru and cuddled into him as tears spilled from my eyes.

"What if Aisura doesn't pull through. I can't lose him to." I cried into Shikamaru's chest.

He rubbed my back while I clutched onto his shirt tears soaking it. I calmed down a bit and heard the door open and the hokage who I didn't even notice go in came out. She walked into the middle of the room but manly spoke to me.

"He'll pull through. However when he wakes up he'll be under 247 surveillance and will be going to therapy. You're lucky you found him when you did Sora. And it was a smart choice to bring him to me first. Thanks to you he will survive. Now I want you guys to inform all the people Aisura is friends with and tell them to keep and eye on him." She spoke before leaving.

I let go of the breath I was unconsciously holding in. I stood up and went to Aisura's room and the others stay out probably wanting to give me some time alone. I sat down in the chair beside his bed and observed his sleeping figure with sad eyes.

"You idiot. Please don't leave me. I need you. I can't lose you to. I've already lost so many people I care for don't add to that. I know how you feel more than anything, but trust me when I say this fucking horrible shitty thing we call life gets better. It's worth pulling through." I said to him.

I stayed in his room and multiple people visited throughout the day. I was forced to leave because visiting hours where over. I walked out to the waiting room to see Shikamaru and Temari. Shikamaru stood up and pulled me into a hug.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Fine." I statues dully. "What brings you to the leaf Temari?" I asked changing the subject.

"I'm here to set up the chunin exam with Shikamaru." She answered.

"Well good luck. I'm heading out." I said but Shikamaru stopped me.

I looked to him to see worry in his eyes. Knowing why he was worried I gave him a sad knowing smile.

"Chill, I'm not going to do anything stupid. I refuse to give up. I'm just going to go see my sensei." I reassures him.

"Okay, be careful. And remember I'm here for you troublesome woman." He spoke.

I gave him a hug and looked him in the eyes.

"I know you stupid Nara. See you later." I said walking out of the hospital.

I went to a training ground to see my sensei meditating in the middle of it. I walked up to him and sat beside him. I found myself gazing up at the hokages faces looking at the thirds head.

"How are you feeling?" My sensei asked.

"Like shit. What do I do? I want to support Aisura but knowing him he won't let me. I can't lose him as well. This is a shitty situation." I spoke sadness in my voice.

"True it really is a shitty situation. All you can do is be there for Aisura when he needs you." Sensei said.

I looked at him and gave a small smile before falling on the ground. That's when sensei held a pice of paper in front of my face. I grabbed it and looked up at him,

"The hokage gave me that to give to you before the thing with Aisura happened." He explained.

I nodded mad opened the paper to see the letter.

Sora Hisha I the hokage of the leaf have decided to make you a jounin. Your skills are great and I know you'll be an amazing jounin, please come see me when possible so I can explain a few things to you

----Lady hokage

I sighed and decided to watch the stars before going to go see her.

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