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I brought my hands together creating an ice floor around the humanoid statue and me. He came Running at me and my eyes shot open. Ice style a thousand pillars. Pillars shot up but they broke on contact. My eyes narrowed. If I wanted them to piece it I would have to put more chakra into that attack.

Maybe trying to destroy it was the wrong way to go. Maybe I should just try and immobilise it. I jumped up and slid back on my ice and the statue attacked me.

I did some hand signs and ice began wrapping around the creature. He began to stiffen and sweat ran down my neck.

I struggled to move my hands to cast another jutsu. However, I did and an ice wall came down around the creature and more kept coming. After about ten walls I fell to the ground panting.

I heard cheering but my eyes widened in shock. I turned around shocked.

"Move you fools!" I yelled.

They seemed shocked but listened. My ice was soon destroyed and I went flying back when the creature hit me. I soon stopped moving and my body ached. I watched as it went towards the other ninja. My chest clenched as images of my brother,sabotori sensei and shenshi dead bodies flashed through my head.

I acted on instinct and did multiple hand signs.

"Ice style living ice. Dragons." I yelled.

Ice dragons formed and attacked the creature. They wrapped around it bit it and pulled it down. I wasn't going to let anyone dye a meanless death. If I could prevent someone dying then I would. With my life.

I jumped up and in front of the creature. I felt immense chakra coming from it. It struggled against my ice dragons and despite how confident I must have looked I was worried it would break free at any moment.

"All of you get back." I said.

"Why it's secure." One said.

"It may look like that but it could break out any moment." I shot back.

They paled and back away. I looked at the creature trying to figure out what it was. Suddenly my ice dragons began struggling to hold the creature down. A hiss of pain escaped my mouth as the ice began to crumble. I brought my hands together in an attempt to stabilise them but it failed.

It ran over somewhere. And I froze when it smashed an area. And it soon disappeared. I ran over to where it was to see other recovering from the attack.

I heard the others talking about the sage tools being stolen. I grimaced. I soon began my journey back to HQ. I was done here for now. I started my walk back by my body ached, causing me to slow down.

"Sora its Inochi how did it go." He asked.

"The battle is over. I'm on my way back but I probably won't get back until dark because-" I cut myself off when I heard people behind me.

I turned around and my eyes widened.

"No." I breathed out.

"Sora what's going on.

"Why did you have to be reincarnated. Why Shenshi." I mumbled.

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