A wish

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I knocked on the hokages door and went in when I was told to do so. I stood in front of her and gave a quick bow.

"You wished to speak to me about being a jounin." I said trying to hold back the sadness in my voice.

"Yes, however we can talk about it another time if you wish." She said with slight worry.

"No, i would like to hear it now." I spoke clearly.

"Very well. As a jounin you will be given higher missions and have more responsibilities. However the main thing I wanted to speak to you about is that we want you to be one of the instructors for the chunin exam." She said.

I looked at her slightly shocked.

"Let me explain further. We believe you will do a great job leading one of the stages for the chunin exam. We were going to also get Aisura to lead one of the stages but we can't allow that at the moment." She explained.

"Very well lady hokage. I suppose I will have to speak with Shikamaru and Temari." I said.

"Yes." She said and I nodded. "You are dismissed."

I bowed and walked out of her office. So I was a jounin now and going to be an instructor for one of the stages in the chunin exam. Great just more fucking stress to add to the fact that my best friend just die and my other best friend is trying to kill himself.

I sighed and made my way back to the Nara's house. When I entered I saw Shikamaru on the couch looking at the door. When he saw me he stood up and pulled me into a hug.

"We got some shit to talk about for this whole chunin exam thing." I stated.

He sighed and set up the shoji board outside and we began to play. We talked about the chunin exam. We finished talking about the chunin exam and played shoji in silence. He soon beat me. When the game was over I looked up at the star filled sky. Shikamaru sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I leaned my head on his chest and continued to view the night sky.

"Isn't it funny how when I was younger all I wanted was to escape this horrible thing we call life. But now thinking about leaving seems like the worst thing." I mumbled.

"Not really. When you were younger you felt you were hated by all. You felt alone and hurt. But now you have friends, people you care about and that care about you. I'm glade you want to live." He sad pulling me into a hug.

"Hey Shikamaru." I said and he hummed in response. "Do you think Aisura will be able to pull through this?" I asked quietly.

"I'm sure he will. After all he's got a troublesome woman like yourself to help him through it." He said.

I let a small laugh escape and looked up at Shikamaru. I once again leaned my head to his chest and listened to his heartbeat. My eyes began to feel heavy and I looked up to the sky to see a shooting star. I heard Shikamaru mumble make a wish

"I wish Aisura would be happy." I whispered before falling asleep.

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