Chapter Thirty Four

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All of us heard about that moment when everything goes to slow motion mode but for me I would never believe it, I have always thought of this idea of 'slow motion' as a Hollywood's thing to sell more good movies.

The thing is everything was now for real in slow motion. The moment I turned around and saw my sister Nina was indescribable.

Edgar was holding my sister hostage. She wasn't afraid, worried or in pain. All of what I could read in her face was guilt.

I fell down on my knees knowing what that view means.

My lips trembling by its own, and a whimper escaped me.

"Don't stop run Selena, RUN!" She yelled earning a slap from Edgar.

I stood up with shaking legs, for some reason my legs felt fragile and unable to hold me up. It's either the joy of finding my sister or the fear of losing her.

I ran weakly towards my sister taking her to my embrace. We cried our pain away hugging each other so tightly to the point that if I presses her just a little more then I would be able to hide her inside of me, behind my ribs and into my heart where she belongs, away from Edgar and his dangerous members.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry" She kept mumbling her apologies into my hair.

"It's okay we'll figure it somehow" I replied in a soft, confident voice but in fact I didn't really know what to do.

I just didn't want her to feel guilty in anyway.

"Well well isn't that so sweet, two sisters meeting after three years! Wow and the credit goes to me, I wouldn't ask for more" Edgar said sarcastically.

I sent him a glare with disgust radiating off me. I was shocked to be met with a cold different eyes than what I used to.

It's like he's someone else. I was right to not trust his kind side, this man is sick, really sick!

I left Nina only to attack Edgar jumping on him and pushing him backwards making both of us falling in the ground.

"You sick man, you took my mom, my dad, do you think that I'll let you take my sister too!" I punched him hard on his face and I think I broke his nose.

Someone pulled off him and I didn't bother to see who. Edgar held his nose and corrected it position. He held his jaw and looked up to me.

His cold eyes are now gone and he looked like he doesn't know what is happening around him. This act of carelessness made me even worse I wanted to slot his throat with my teeth.

He looked around and closed his eyes taking in a deep breath. He look like someone who's trying to hold back his umbrage.

He stood up and signaled to the guard to free me. "Selena I think we need to talk" He declared.

"What do you want to talk about! There is nothing you would say that I'm going to believe" I spit my words hatefully.

"You need to listen" he said with clenched fist and restricted jaw.

"I don't want to" I said and headed to my sister helping her to stand up. She was oblivious to this sudden events.

"You don't have a choice" He said and nodded to one of the guards.

"No!" I shouted clenching tightly to my sister but they got us separated.

"No, No Selena" Nina fought the guard and extended her hand for me to hold.

And I tried to reach it but I couldn't.

Everything else didn't matter.

The sun was slowly rising, it was a beautiful view, the birds started to chirp and sing but none of this matter.

My sister and I need to be free.

We need each other.

We belong to each others.

This is not the end for us.

I'll make sure of that.

This story is going towards the end. I'll be editing some parts but not changing big details. Thank you all for reading it :)

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