Chapter One

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In the werewolves world, every pack Alpha support their members, and guide them. An Alpha duty is to ensure the pack safety and protect each member rather an infant, child, adult or elderly and to give the pack a bright future.

My Alpha, Alpha Grason was the perfect Alpha he did his job perfectly, in my pack your rank is nothing to show off about, we were simple pack.

We loved each other and helped whoever needed us. We lived in peace and harmony until Alpha Jerrard invaded our territory.

Everything happened too quickly, we were out of number and our warriors were not the best.

We lived in peace not only with each other but with our neighbors pack too, we didn't have enemies but that didn't stop the Blood pack from taking us down.

I lost my mom and dad that day, my sister Nina flew away with Zac her mate and I hope that they found somewhere safe.

A very few who stayed here in our home pack but of course not by choice. Now, we were one hundred person in total out of three hundred. You can see that we were very small pack and that's was another weak spot which helped the Blood pack to take us down in a blink of an eye.

I and my friend Adam were captured by the borders, we were so close to escaping but unfortunately, that little luck of us ran out before we could make it.

It's been three years but I can remember everything like it was yesterday.

Alpha Grason and his wife Melly were killed first next in line was Beta Eren and with no Alpha nor Beta we fell down quickly.

The blood Pack lives on killing innocents, they take over packs and doesn't leave them until the last member dies and for my pack, it will be a piece of cake and it won't take long for them to invade other packs because soon we all will be dead.

Our members decreased from one hundred to thirty members.

The way things are running here is each night one of our pack members fight with one of the Blood pack members and if they won they can take your life or something dear to your heart.

They are so austere, they killed mates in front of each other, they raped womens and killed children.

If you come to me the dearest thing to my heart is Adam after my mom and dad have been killed.

He is the only family that I have left and if I lose they either torture him or kill him, for him it's the same except that he had already lost a fight once and I took my share of torturing.

it was really bad and they left ugly scars on my back, Adam saw them and since then he never lost a match.

Although they are barbaric they still have rules that they follow:
Rule number one, If you were from the Blood Pack you must kill your rival to count it a win.

Rule number two, If you were from the Humble Pack you must bring your rival to unconscious state to count it a win but if you kill your rival you are dead.

Rule number three, the Humble pack members can train every day for 15 minutes only. As if 15 minutes will be enough for us to gain strength, you can see how cruel they are.


Rule number four, if one of our members win we don't take anything from our rival.

Rule number five, if one of our members win, the rival can't take anything from us or he will be punished.


I was sleeping on the floor of the cell, watching little mice running around, The cell is pitch black and you can barely see a thing with that dim light on the wall across of our cell.

The Rejected Alphaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें