Chapter Thirty One

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Selena POV:

"Selena," a voice said and I hummed in response.

"Selena" it says again


I jolted up seeing myself on the floor, I fell asleep after one thousand tries to escape this place

But most importantly who was calling me! There is no one in the room except of me.

'Hi, it's been too long since last we talked'
It's my wolf!

'You left me alone!' I admonished her.

I heard nothing back from her just silence.

'Why did leave me alone?' I asked sadly.

'I didn't, someone poisoned me with a substance that blocks me out of our mind link I tried to reach you so I can tell you that the person who did so is Kyle but I just couldn't'

She explained I was irritated and angry. Kyle is responsible for everything.

'But what about my voice? I lost it too' I said

'Remember when you saw a paper that says to meet me in the woods?' my wolf asked.

'No I don't' My voice came out surprised.

What she's talking about! Is she okay!

'It's Kyle he injected you with something and you get dizzy and slowly you forgot why you went to the forest in the first place the affect of that injection appeared later on making you lose your voice' My wolf explained.

I was shocked I don't know what to say. That's why I couldn't remember how I reached that forest in that day.

Not remembering it freaked me out but as soon as I saw Alexander I felt safe. I was afraid to tell him that I don't remember how I got here because his hands were already full with Edgar's threatening message.

"Are you really bored that you are spacing off to the level you can't hear me" Edgar sudden voice startled me.

I didn't hear the lock being open I was really in deep thinking.

I calmed myself and gave him a stare. He came closer to me and crouched down. "You know I didn't get why you hate me yet" he said looking at my eyes.

Is he fucking kidding me "You killed my parents bastard what do you expect" I said and launched myself forward banging his head with mine.

He fell down and clutching his head. "Selena you are my mate you can't keep doing this to me" He said smiling.

He is really sick!

"Come I'm going to introduce you to my pack, your pack Selena" he said in a soft voice with a smile tugged to his lips.

I looked at him with disgusting eyes. He came and unlocked my ankle.

As soon as I stood up I gave him a punch aiming to his face but he was to quick dodge it.

He held my arm and twist it back that my back is now touching his stomach.

"Look if you want to play this game I'm okay with it but don't expect me to let you out of this room" he whispered.

I winced when he tightened his grasp on me twisting my arm even more.

"Stop" I said painfully.

"Are we clear" he said increasing the pressures on my arm.

"Okay okay" My arm will pop out of my shoulder if kept doing that.

He let me free but handcuffed me to his hand.

"Bastard" I cursed him with a hateful look.

"What? I'm not a fool you will try to escape" he said with a toothy smile.

I took a deep breath a d preferred to stay quite.

"Since we are on the same page then lets go" he said and tugged me with him out side the room.

"And by the way stop cursing me" he said while walking out.

"This room is actually inside of my room so you was always next to me, don't worry as soon as we mark each other and the mating ceremony takes place I'll change the room so you don't have bad memories about this place or if you want me to buy you a new house it's okay" Edgar said casually as if this is going to really happen.

When we walked out of his room a lots of people started to say hi to him or bow in respect.

I guess this is the pack house? Because I can see children running around and teenagers watching the TV.

Non of them found it awkward that their Alpha is holding me hostage?

The Odd thing is no one of those people I saw look the same as who tortured my pack.

What the hill is this place!

Did he kill all of his pack? Is this his real pack or another pack he invaded.

I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't notice that we are out of the pack house already.

"Look Selena this is you home now" Edgar said and when I looked to where he was looking at I saw a green land on sight nothing ugly like blood and dead people.

What happened to him!

However I can't waste my time. i have to find a way out I have to go to somewhere to arm myself with weapons or at least a knife!

"Are you hungry?" Edgar asked nicely.

I looked at him dumbfounded, he is really expecting me to stay here with him.

Waite the kitchen is the perfect place to find a knife!

"Yes" I answered him.

"Wow no insulting for the first time" he said chuckling.

Yeah let me get my knife and I promise no more insulting for you for ever.

He suddenly stopped chuckling and looked at me.

"If you are thinking of any escaping plans you would like to delete them because my warriors are all over the borders there is no way for you to get away from me even if it's equal one inch" he said with a dark voice.

I swallowed hard. I'm not a fool, I know escaping this place will not be an easy task but I can't just set and wait.

Fighting is not an option, I'll find away to escape when everyone is busy or asleep.

"Did you hear me" He said

"Yes I did and I won't do anything like that I'm not a stupid" I said.

He nodded approvingly and we started heading back to the pack house.

This is it, as soon as I have the chance I'll break free


I have to be patient.


Enjoy :)

The Rejected AlphaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon