Chapter: Twenty Two

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"Selena let's mate" Lust hooded Alexander's eyes. My heart skipped not just one beat but millions of them.

He eagerly started to kiss my neck spreading fire from the sensitive spot he kissed till my core. I moan and clutched his shirt tightly, my toes curled with every kiss he printed.

I wanted him so much that I couldn't stop my cry when he reached a highly sensitive spot where he is supposed to mark me.

But that alarmed me. I'm not ready, I can't mate with him now. I can't until I can fully trust him.

He wasn't all over me in the past but the exact opposite so what brought him to this phase that he wants me so much now?

I took his head with my hand forcing him to look at me. He let me do that but as soon as he broke contact with my neck he attacked my lips.

His kiss is so addictive that I couldn't help but kiss my mate as eager as he was. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist while my butt rested on his strong arms.

He lowered me until my back hit the mattress and he was hovering over me.

I forcefully brought myself to break the kiss. His hooded blue eyes looked at me confused. His hot brath fanning my face.

I was breathing heavily too but I needed to talk now before he go back to kissing me again.

"I .. don't feel ready Alexander" I told him with a shaking voice. It's fear or nervousness I couldn't tell because I couldn't stop my shaking

Alexander's eyes turned sad very quickly and my heart sank at the sight of that.

He retreated away from me a little and tugged his hair with his hands.

I sat up on my knees and swallowed down. "Alexander" I rested my hand on his arm. His eyes softened when he saw my face.

I cried silently, I don't want to lose him when I just found him and we just started to be an actual mates.

"Why are you crying" His hand went behind my head and he pulled me towards him. He hugged me tightly and I buried my head on his chest and cried until his shirt turned into a lake.

All the time he was comforting me by caressing my hair and humming a song that I don't know but it successfully stopped my crying eyes.

"Do you feel better now?" Alexander tilted my head up so he can look to my face. I nodded softly not trusting my voice.

I really feel guilty for not mating with him but I can't ignore that feeling of fear inside me.

"It's okay Selena I can wait don't feel bad. I know that I wasn't a good mate for you.
Hell I was a jerk that even a rabbit will refuse to be my mate but you didn't do anything bad for me in return and I know for that you certainly deserve someone better than me but Selena, my love even if that was a truth you're mine and only mine. I'm sorry for that but you are stuck with me for the rest of your life."

He said the last part with a toothy smile and I burst into laughter. His toothy smile decreased to a soft smile.

"I'm glad that I can make you smile" He said after a moment of silence.

I pulled his head down and printed a soft kiss on his lips and pulled back. He looked taken back by my move.

I smiled at his cute face "It's true that I'm not ready to mate with you Alexander but that doesn't mean that I don't want you as my mate. You was harsh with me that's true but you've changed. I'm just trying to fully believe that, to get rid of the fear inside me".

I mumbled softly to him. Our lips touched while I spoke, I didn't want to stay away from him, at all.

His face brightened up and he kissed my forehead. "You don't know how much of relief I feel right now. Thank you love"

My cheeks heat up. I gave him a small smile and buried my head in his shirt again to hide my blish but it was wet and cold.

"Eew, you need to change that shirt" I told him making him chuckle loudly.

"I wonder why" He said with a smirk playing on the corner of his lips.

"Hmmm I wonder why too" I fake a confused face trying to pretend that I was thinking of the reason.

He looked at me amusingly and shook his head. "Okay I'm going to take a quick shower, I have to handle a small problem if you don't mind" He said pointing down.

It's just then when I felt mini Alexander poking me. I jumped off his lap and down under the covers. He laughed loudly at me this time.

"Don't laugh go and take your stupid shower" I told him angrily but he just laughed more and stood up.

I was watching him walking to his closet taking out his outfit then he disappeared into the bathroom.

I smiled to myself remembering the kissaes he gave me, I would really like another session of that.

Okay Selena control you horny self . I sighed and threw myself back onto the mattress looking at the ceiling and thinking about the future and what it will hold for me.

There was something underneath my leg that bothered me when I looked, I saw Alexander's jacket.

I took it and inhaled it. I sighed satisfied with his scent. A paper fell out from his pocket and my eyes widened when they landed on the blood in the corner of it.

I hesitatingly opened the note and when I read it, I felt like my blood was draining out of me and all the feeling from the past rushed back to my memory.

One word was the reason of that, one word was enough to make me feel bad and that one word belongs to one person.

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