Chapter Eleven

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Hey guys this chapter is more like a filler chapter so it's not that long and not short so ... enjoy ❤️


I was playing in the playground with my friends when I saw a boy kiss a girl on her mouth, eww I cringe at that, why would anyone do that it's disgusting what if the boy didn't wash his mouth it's dirty thing to do. I thought to myself when my mom called my name.

I saw her waving for me to go to her, oh no the time is over and we have to go to the home.
"Come on sweetheart" mom shouted.

I pout not wanting to go back I love playing here, I huffed and walk to her.

"Oh don't be upset we will come tomorrow" mom cooed trying to make me smile again and I did.

"Mama I saw a boy kissing a girl there why would he kiss her? what if his mouth is dirty?" I looked up to my mom, she was holding my hands as we walked back to the house.

Mom Laughed and stopping, I looked at her confused. What's so funny? my mom pinched my cheeks and gave me a sweet smile. "There are mates honey and when you grow up you'll have one too, they are just like me and your daddy" Mom explained.

"What is mate mama?" I asked curious about this new word.

My mom smiled "It's a person that you love so much that you can't live without and a mate is a person who take care of you and protect you, he will make sure that you'll live a beautiful and happy life" my Mom said drawing circles on my hands.

"Like you and daddy?" I asked excitedly, my mom chuckled and nodded her head while a broad smile plastered on her lips "Yes like me and daddy".

She stood up and we continued walking but I remembered something that made me halt. "But I don't want my mate to kiss me on the mouth it's disgusting" I whined and cringe at the idea of it.

Mom threw her head backwards laughing. "Moooom" I stumped my feet and crossed my arms over my chest "Okey sweetheart if you find your mate ask him to not kiss you that's it" she said and I thought about it "hmmm okay" I said happily my mom shook her head and smiled

"We will see about that" Mom mumbled and I frowned not understanding why she said that.



Selena wake up.

Someone was waking me up. It sounds like Alpha Alexander voice.

Am I dreaming? Did I died or something? I wanted to open my eyes but they felt so heavy. His arms were wrapped around my body securely but not tight that he will hurts me and I was thankful for that.

He was walking with me in his arms to somewhere and I finally found the energy to open my eyes and look around.

It still dark, I wonder how much I slept, the dream was a bit strange. Actually it was a memory from my childhood and I don't know why I dream of it.

I groaned when my body started to wake up too, my body hurts so much. I whimper when a pain struck me in my chest region. It's like the pain is slowly coming alive again.

"Shshs you'll be fine" his voice softly said as stroking my hair softly. Tears fell down my cheeks at the nonstop pain but somehow I felt little better when he touched my head.

"Please stop moving it's hurts" I whispered my words trying to contain my whimpers.

He suddenly stopped and looked at me. "Do you feel your wolf?" He asked me with a soft tone.

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