Chapter Twenty Eight

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Selena POV:

I opened the door and in my mind, there is one place I need to head for and when I lay hand on that person no one can help her.

I was yanked back by Alexander, he looked to my eyes confused and angry at the same time. "Where do you think you're going!" He questioned.

To Tiffany, I wanted to say but I couldn't and that frustrated me more than I'm already is.

I kicked the chair nearby out of frustration.

"Take a breath and mind link me, huh?" He suggests.

My wolf is not back yet how I'm supposed to do that. I tried to do it but unfortunately, nothing happened.

I looked at me with a defeated look hoping he will get my message.

"It's okay try again" He said and held my hand.

I tried again and this time I closed my eyes to gain focus.

"To Tiffany, I think she did something to me while she was suffocating me"

Surprisingly I managed to mind link him.

His eyes turned black however he smiled and took my hand leading me back to the room.

He made me walk before him and I knew that he's going to leave me here. I twirled around meeting his amused eyes.

"The answer is NO" he said in mere of second.

Alexander sighed.

"For once do what I say okay? I don't want to worry about you while I'm out " He said nicely and I didn't have a choice other than giving up.

Not because I'm convinced but because I can see dark bags under his eyes and how tired he was.

Since we got that letter he was completely in a different world, he was going on searching shifts in the woods and out of our territory for hours, he was continuously wandering off.

He assigned Adam and a couple of other tough warriors to search for the location of Edgar and the Blood pack.

"Selena do you hear me" Lisa huffed.

I came out of my daze and smiled at her.

"Here, I bought you this note, it's a temporary solution so we can communicate with you" Lisa handed me the note.

I quickly wrote down what I was supposed to be able to say but let's use this not until we find who is behind my tragedy.

"Thanks and Sorry I can't control myself, thoughts are playing around my head" handing her the note, I apologized.

"Everything will be fine don't overthink it"

"I know and I will" I wrote down because I hate to be that person who's full of negativity, but deep down I'm not sure if I would ever get my voice back, I just don't feel it.

"You know what, I know exactly what can fix you" Lisa announced.

I looked at her and furrowed my eyebrows.

"You need a cup of coffee" she purred.

I raised my brow at her. I thought she would say a party or a drink to fix my mood but a coffee?

"What! who doesn't love coffee" she said in a daah tune.

Tapping on my shoulder she kept rambling on her passion for coffee.

"Plus I didn't really have that much of time to go to my favorite cafe since you got here and now you have to make it up for me".

Rolling my eyes I got up and headed towards the door.

"Yes that's my girl" Lisa excitedly stood up. She wrapped her arm with mines and we headed downstairs.




Alexander POV:

Walking through the allies I reached Tiffany cell, she is here only to behave properly next time and she will be free in two days.

But if she is involved in any way with losing Selena's voice things are going to take a different direction.

I stood before Tiffany cell and you could see that she doesn't belong here. She was crying her eyes out.

Once she laid eyes on me, she scrambled up and threw herself on the cell's bars.

"Alexander you came back to me, you must know that she attacked me first" She miserably said.

"I came for a different reason pup, address me with respect" Firmly I announced my presence and set the line between us.

Her face turned pale, she knew that I would not get here out of here any time soon.

"You don't beli ..."

"Cut it off pup" My voice boomed through the dungeon.

"Answer my question without turning around it" I said.

She gulp down the lump in her throat and nodded her head repeatedly.

"Did you cause your Luna to loss here voice?" I finally asked.

"My Luna!" She said, disapprobation was evident in her face.

"Selena is your Luna rather you like it or not, now answer the question did you cause your Luna to loss here voice? " I  patiently repeated the question.

"No I don't even know what are you talking about"

Although I didn't expect here to say the truth and I this is exactly what I imagined her to say, I was ready to torture her to get her to spell the truth.

But my wolf had another say about her answer.

'She's telling the truth I can sense it' My wolf said.

I groaned and kicked the bars leading Tiffany to stumble backward shaking violently.

"I'm saying the truth" Tiffany insisted.

"Then who did it" I screamed.

"I don't know" Tiffany started crying and I don't really have the time to listen to her.

I made my way out of the dungeon, completely different than how I entered it.



And ready to kill for my mate

Whoever did this to Selena, he is going to pay with his soul


Sorry for taking too long to update, this is the chapter give me your opinions :)

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