Chapter Nineteen.

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Looking out the window I saw Alexander, Logan and three other men talking. All of them looked serious and I guess that Alexander gave them some orders because then the three men nodded their heads and went towards the forest.

Okay since Alexander is down there my escape plan should wait for now.

Not that it's going to be easy like old times. In my parents house, my room was in the second floor so it was not that hard.

Since Alexander's room is in the third floor it was really hard to just jump down even for werewolves because after all we aren't immortal creatures.

I went back to the bed and plopped down laying back and staring at the ceiling. Alexander's words were glued to my mind and I couldn't stop thinking about it

Adam he is my childhood friend how does he expect me to stay away from him. Just because we were playing around doesn't mean he loves me, Adam knows that he will find his mate.

Hell I heard him millions of times telling me how he will spoil and love his woman, if he has feelings for me he wouldn't tell me that kind of stuff.

Aghhh Alexander what are you doing to me. The door slammed open, I jolted up and looked to the door.

Alexander walls in with .. huge Husky beside him. The Husky was growling at me and then barked dangerously. I backed away and gulped down my now dry throat.

I'm a cat person not dog one, and specially not a huge Husky lover. The Husky reached Alexander waist. This Husky can eats me alive.

"Sit down Speros" Alexander ordered sternly. The Husky aka Speros sat down and looked disappointed.

Wow he really must wanted to charge on me. At least he listened to Alexander.

"Speros is going to stay here with you if you tried to escape he will charge on you" Alexander told me with a smirk.

"What? escape? puff escaping didn't cross my mind" I gave him my best innocent face but he just raised his brow.

"Then what were you doing by the window with your head out looking straight down?" He questioned and crossed his arms over his chest.

Okay getting caught wasn't in my plan and I have to find a quick explanation but what I'm supposed to say?

"I was just checking the flowers down there if they were covered by the snow or not" wow what a great lie, stupid Selena.

"Flowers" Alexander said biting his lips.

His lips are so kissable

Okay Stella back off I have enough distraction here and really don't need you to point that out.

Stella giggled making shut the link.



"You zoned out" Alexander said looking at me with worry in his face.

"Yah just talking to my wolf" I responded awkwardly.

His eyes narrowed but then he just nodded his head and walked out the room, again locking it.

Speros howled lowly and slowly made his way towards me. "No sit down Speros" I said putting my hand in front of in a stopping sign but it seemed that this action triggered him in a wrong way.

"No no no" I yelped as Speros jumped on me ready to bit ... what? He licked me!

I sat up with Speros on my lap wiggling his tail. "You gave me a mini heart attack buddy" He barked in response.

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