Chapter three

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I was sitting on the floor of the cell in the dungeon thinking of what happened to me through these years and specially yesterday.

It's weird, how did I end up here. I mean I accepted the fact that I'm going to die along with my pack members but that didn't happened.

Instead I was free, it's for about only five minutes until they took my freedom again but I was finally free from the Blood pack curse.

Thoughts kept swimming in my head, What will happen next? I can't guess.

Right now I was waiting for whatever is supposed to happen. They were taking our pack members into investigation so they can decide what to do with us but they may also just keep us here.

I learned that there is only four left of us. Me, Adam and one more guy and a girl.

I released a long and heavy sigh. I feel tired, physically and psychologically.

I'm tired from all the sadness in my life. I lost my mom and dad, I lost my pack and my freedom. How long will it take for me to finally give up?

I'm trying to hold on life but it's not holding on me and even if I talked to myself saying that everything is going to be okay and this is nothing more than a stop to the happiness, deep down inside me I know this is not true.

My mind was going crazy with all that thoughts.

I shrugged these thoughts away shaking my head.

I'm worried about Adam, last time I saw him he was getting on the black van and it was different that the one I got into so I couldn't talk to him at all.

But the truth is I was relieved when I saw him alived, Adam is my heart and soul, I can't live without him.

He's my best friend and supporter and without him I know that I wasn't going to make it.

I wiped the tears that were falling down my cheeks when I heard footsteps coming closer.

"Sit here, the Alpha will call you tomorrow so make sure to be ready" A guard said to Adam as he pushed him into the cell parallel to mine.

I stood up quickly and get closer to the cell's bars but I didn't touched them because they were made of silver.

If you asked how I knew? Well I know because I tried to hold them and it hurts so freaking much.

"Adam" I called him and heard a shuffling on the other side.

"Selena! Oh god you're alive" Adam said looking at me through the bars too.

I frowned and my heart swelled in pain when I saw his state.

Oh poor Adam

His face was pursued and his head was bleeding, his knuckles were bleeding too and he got a black eye.

I don't know if it's from him and Edgar's fight or if it's from something happened to him whilst he is here.

"Adam are you okay?! You look miserable!" I said worried and in disbelief tone.

Adam chuckled but it broke down as he was in pain "Well thank you, you don't look too bad yourself" He said playfully.

See what I mean? He's always like that, he's the kind of person who lightens up everything.

I smiled softly at him. "I was worried about you" I told him.

He sighed and closed his eyes resting his back against the wall next the bars.

"Selena I'm exhausted, I will sleep for a while I don't think that I can stay awake any longer" Adam said and I nodded my head, even though he couldn't see me.

"Get some sleep, I'll try to rest too" I state and he murmured something in response.

I glanced at the guards, they were standing there just like that, they didn't order me or Adam to shut our mouth up like what the Blood pack guards would do.

It was odd but at the same time it gave me a little hope that maybe this pack isn't like the blood pack and maybe they will set us free.

I closed my eyes and a pair of blue dangerous eyes appeared from my memory. I opened my eyes quickly putting my hands on my chest.

My mate, How could I forget about him. The glare he gave me told me that he doesn't want me. He looked at me with anger and disgust.

I whimperd at the memory.

But he's the Alpha of this pack so he's the one who makes the decision here. He will not make his mate stay in the dungeon for ever right?

He will set me free right? even if he doesn't want to be with me he can't just let's me rotts here.

I shook my head at the idea of him not wanting me. Even though my wolf is not here the mate bond affects me the same.

When I saw him, all what I wanted to do is to throw myself on his arms, it felt safe and the right thing to do but the look he gave me made me stay put. He didn't even looked affected by my presence like I didn't mean anything to him, he didn't even hear what Lisa had to say about me.


I wonder what happened to Lisa? If it wasn't for her we would still be back on the Blood pack territory.

There were noises on the next cell to me meaning that another member of ours came back from the investigation and the only one left is me.

The guard told the girl the same thing he told Adam and with that I stood up ready for him to take me.

The guard looked at me confused. "Is there something prisoner?" He asked in a hard tone.

"Aren't you going to take me to the investigation?" I asked in a low tone afraid to say something wrong and trigger the guard nerve.

"No the Alpha said there is no need to take you to him, now sit down" the guard said sternly.

I sat down with a frown on my face. He doesn't want to see you selena and you are sitting here hoping that he will set you free. How stupid, stupid Selena.

I couldn't help myself but to cry. I curled myself onto a ball and rested my head on my knees while my hand wrapped around my legs.

It's just more than I can handle. A mate is supposed to make you happy and care about you. But here I am sitting in a dungeon waiting for something that will never gonna happens.

"Selena" someone said softly making me lift my head to look for the source. I saw Adam looking at me softly

"Don't cry please, everything is going to get better you'll see and I'll work to get us out of here" he claimed smiling at me.

I gave him a weak smile and nodded my head. "I really hope that we can get out of here" I said and it was his turn to nods his head.

"Mybe we can go to another country if we get out of here, what do you say huh? Start fresh and never again come back" I questioned with hope.

Even if it was an empty hope it somehow made me feel better. "Anything for you princess, I swear I'll get you out of here" Adam said softly his eyes held sadness like he knew that my dream is something hard to achieve but he shrugged it and smiled at me making me smile softly at him"

One day

I mumbled quietly to myself hoping that I'll get out of this nightmare soon.


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