Chapter Seventeen

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"Selena you're cheating" little Adam mumbled. Although He was older than me I was lucky enough to be taller than him. "Run faster or you'll catch me by the borders" I said, teasing him. His whole face turned red, he was angry, not liking me implying that he's slow. He ran faster so I ran the fastest I could. The white snow was everywhere and it was hard to run when my feet with every step sank in the deep snowy ground. I looked behind and saw Adam on my tail, I saw a falling branch and made a plan. Jumping over a falling branch which Adam didn't see he fell on the ground and I quickly took a grasp of snow with my both hands and shoved it on Adam mouth declaring my winning. "That cheating" Adam whined, yup he is a sore loser.

"Selena duck" I turned back to reality hearing Lisa warning. I quickly ducked on the ground and a snow ball flew over my head.

"That cheating" Adam protested. "Ohh my little Adam didn't change huh?" I teased.

He looked at me amusingly and said "I will make you swallow your words baby".

My mouth gapped and I gave him a glare. "Whoooh, no one call my baby that except of me" Kyle said coming from behind me and putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Right baby" he said and winked at me. "In your dream kyle" Lisa said and threw a snow ball at him.

He shook the snow out of his hair "You are so going to regret it" he said and began chasing Lisa.

"Snowball fight" I screamed and everyone cheered excitedly.

Suddenly everyone stared to throw snowballs at each other and a reall snowball fight began.

I made a snowball myself and threw it at Adam while he was busy throwing snowballs at Kyle. He turned around and looked at me mischievously. I laughed and ran away.

"keep running shorty I'm going to take you down" he yelled from behind me. Damn him, I was taller than him. I ran to the pack house away from him. He can't throw snowballs at me inside the pack house he'll get in trouble. Yup I found my plan.

"Ah ah don't even think about it" a voice came from behind me and suddenly I was on the ground on my back. I squealed in surprise, in top of me was Adam with a huge snowball in his hand.

I looked at the snowball and back to him. "You wouldn't do that to your best friend right" I said patting my lashes and giving him my best puppy eyes ever.

He bit his lips and his lips twitched "Oh hell I will, it's revenge time" he said and shoved the snowball right into my mouth.

"Noooo-" my scream was muffled by the snow going down my throat. My brain freezed, I couldn't feel my throat and my tongue is numb.

"It's hurts" I said hitting Adam's chest while he laughed. I tried to contain my smile trying to look angry at him. "Okay I'm sorry princess" he said pinching my cheeks. I smiled at him and nodded my head.

"Ehhhm" we heard a throat being cleared and because I was still on my back and Adam in top of me I tilted my head back a to see that person.

Alexander looked really angry. His eyes were black and his veins on his forehead were showing. His arms were crossed over his chest. I really wonder if there was times he was not angry, anyway Adam quickly stood up, me following him.

The smile on my face was wiped. I nervously stood before Alexander, looking into his dark eyes.

"What are you doing?" he asked. If it's possible I think smoke will coming out of his nose and ears right now. And if a look could kill, Adam and I would been dead by now.

"We were just pl-" I didn't finish my sentence. "I wasn't addressing you Selena" Alexander barked. He then turned to Adam, angrily.

"We were fighting with snowballs, Alpha" Adam politely said lowering his head, showing Alexander all the respect he deserves as an Alpha.

"Playing around instead of training? what a great warriors I have" Alexander said sending daggers to Adam. Adam clenched his hands but knew better than saying anything back.

"Everyone, stop this nonsense and start training, the one who don't listen to me will face the consequences" Alexander growled making the pack members stop playing and lowering their heads.

No one would like to be in presence of angry Alpha. They nodded their head and turned around on their heels.

He'll never change, this is why I don't want to be with him and asked him to reject me. An Alpha should be respected not feared. He always use his superiority on us.

I turned around too, going to the training field with the others. I'm sure that he did this just because he's jealous.

Today is Friday that's why no one it training IT'S A HOLIDAY for moon goddess sake.

I was yanked back by the wrist into a hard wall, my nose smacked into it. Oh let me correct myself, a hard chest and specifically Alexander's chest.

"No, you stay here little princess" Alexander said emphasizing princess. I tried to shove myself away from him but that was impossible.

He secured me by putting his hands on my back pressing me onto his chest. "Let me go" I yelled hitting his chest. My voice came out raspy, damn it Adam if I get sick you'll be dead.

"What was he doing in top of you" He asked straight not going around it. I don't know what he's thinking about but it was clear with the amount of snow in my face that we weren't doing anything wrong and specially in front of everybody!

"It's non of your business" I hissed. He pressed me harder and it felt hard to breath. He leaned down to my face and smirked "Sorry princess but it's my damn business" he said and quickly threw me over his shoulder.

I squealed and quickly hugged his back up side down while he secured my legs.

"If you fall down it's not my fault" he said and although I couldn't see his face I swear I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Alexander put me down now" I ordered seriously but he just chuckled. "Keep talking I like your raspy voice" he said and walked us inside the house.

I don't know if he understands the word reject me.

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