Chapter Ten

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Everyone were walking into the trees with their backpacks on their back. Nicholas was leading the way. He said that there is an open area that he knows and it will be perfect for camping.

My mind was mainly thinking about one person, one person that can make me live millions of emotions at one time.
Alpha Alexander,

he stopped giving me cold glares but things didn't change in any other different aspects.

He is still a mystery to me. I don't know anything about him.

What does he like? what he doesn't? What is his favorite color, hell I don't know how old he is.

"I wish I could know what is in your mind" Adam said cutting off my trace of thoughts.

I smiled to him "Nothing actually" I said and looked to my feet as we walked.

Adam took my hand in his, I looked up too meet his eyes. He smiled softly and squeezed my hand, it's his way to say I'm here for you.

He was always there for me and I know that no matter what happened to me, Adam will be there to help me go through it.

"I missed you Adam you were training all the time and it feel like I didn't see you for months" I said.

"When we go back say that to Beta Logan, he's killing us slowly and he can't see that. sometimes I think he take his job over seriously" he said making me laugh.

"Then I'll make sure I will, I need you alive buddy" I said which he grinned in response.

"But babe you can't miss this ugly thing and not miss me" Kyle jumped in between me and Adam and patted his eyelashes.

I rolled my eyes at him "Get your face away from mine no one wants to smell your stinky breath" I said smirking at him.

All the boys burst out laughing at him. "Stinky Kyle how is your forehead I saw a rocket hitting you" Mathew mocked between his laughter.

Kyle's eyes widened and he slowed his pace and smelled his breath. "Selena I'm going to cut that pretty tongue of yours" Kyle grumbled and then he took me and shoved me over his shoulders.

He started to turn around himself "Say sorry or I will never let you down" he demanded.

My head started to get dizzy and I was seeing black dots.

"Okay okay I'm sorry" I apologized.

"And say that my breath is minty" He added.

I just laughed at that which he repeated angrily. "Say it or I'll throw you" he threatened.

"Okay okay your breath is fine" I said laughing hard at him.

He puts me down and steadied me because I was staggering left and right.

"Kyle leave her alone" Mathew said as he walked passed us.

"Take my hands I'll make sure that you won't fall" Kyle said with a smug smirk on his lips.

I rolled my eyes but took his hand anyway.

I was really dizzy so there is no harm in playing along with him.

"Ahh we look like a cute couple, don't we?" Kyle said smiling.

"No" we all said at the same time.

"Ouch don't be harsh on my heart, it's so tender and delicate I can't bear hard comments" he said dramatically.

I chuckled shaking my head.

"See beautiful I can always make you happy" he said leaning down.

"Yah yah if that's make you sleep at night" I said and untalented my hand from his and walked faster as the open area came into view.

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