Chpter Thirty

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Selena POV:

Sitting on the bed which is the only furniture in the room, I looked at my swollen ankle and sighed.

I spent an hour or so trying to escape this place or at least this room!

But the chain was closed so tight that it was impossible for me to leave this room unless I leave without my ankle!

I touched my ankle and winced when it's started to bleed.

"If my wolf was here this small injury wouldn't affects me but for some reason, she decided to disappear" I mumbled to myself and rested my head on my hands.

I'm really starting to worry, no one showed up after Kyle.

There is no sign of Edgar, it scares me not knowing why does he want me.

I did piss him off in the past but we got in separate ways.

Unless he still thinks that I'm his mate?

Or he wants to prove to his father that he deserves to be an Alpha?

I'm so confused and stressed out, my questions need answers and there is no way to get them without meeting Edgar.

Which by the way is the last thing I want to do in my life.

I can feel the leash touching my skin cutting it in half with every time his arms go back and then landing them on my back.

It scares me and I'm not ashamed to say so.

Being tortured is not an easy thing to bear or to remember.

Every time I remember that day I quiver out of fear.

The door was unlocked suddenly making me jolt up in defending position.

It was Kyle .. again.

I didn't drop my walls and I stood up, my position remained the same.

"Take it easy I won't hurt you," Kyle said with a hurt look in his eyes with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Says the person who kidnapped me" I hissed.

He took a deep breath and spoke up
"I know you lost your trust in me but you have to believe me, I did it to save my brother life, I would never betray my pack, my Alpha and more importantly my Luna the future of my pack, but you don't know what does it mean to lose someone you love" He clenched his fist so tightly.

"Believe me at least I experienced the pain of losing people as much as you but I didn't turn on my people" I said in a challenging voice

He sighed "This is pointless, am here to tell you that Edgar is coming soon be careful" and with that, he left the room locking the door behind him.

My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach. All my senses were high alert.

I could hear steps approaching the room, slow and confident ones. The unlocking sound of the door being opened echoed through the room and from between the shadows a muscular figure came to my view and slowly Edgar was revealed with a smug smirk on his lips.

"Welcome back to your home Selii" Edgar uttered. The urge to vomit due to the nickname overwhelmed me.

"Don't call me that!" I hissed.

His face softened in a disgusting way "If that's bothering you then I'll stick to calling you my mate" He smiled.

"You wish, I already found my mate and you can put your fealty dreams in your real mate," I said looking at him from his head to his toes.

There is no single positivity in this guy. I'm just so shocked that he thinks I'm going to forgive him and accept him as my mate when he tortured me.

Not mentioning that he's not even my real mate! I don't know who made him believe otherwise!

"You know what maybe your wolf can tell you what you don't want yo believe, huh?" He said sarcastically.

I looked away anger started to get, if my wolf is here with me would you think that I'm going to stay here waiting for you here in this anonymous place!

"What? The cat got your tongue" I wasn't looking at him but his voice was so irritated and I could feel his smirk on his lips.

"It's not your business what happens between me and my wolf" I replied finding this my only exit.

"Oh, is that true? With all respect mate, the tiny problem of the absence of your wolf may or may not relate to me so you can say that it's maybe you see maybe it's my business after all" with the end of his speech he laughed evilly and walked to the door.

I launched myself towards him "You bastard I'll kill you" I screamed and fell on the floor.

I forgot about the chain on my ankle. Edgar's face paled and he rushed to me.

"Did you hurt yourself? " he said checking my hands and knees.

I scoffed and pushed him away. "Get your filthy hands off me"

His feature changed too quickly from concern to anger. "As you wish pup," he said and left me alone.

"Come back you filthy animal, come and set me free"

I screamed and shouted for help, I kicked the leg of the bed to set me free but no it wouldn't budge. My tears started to fell down my cheeks against my well. I don't want to cry because this won't help I have to do something or this will not end well for me.

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