Chapter Twenty

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"So what brought you here Selena" Alexander said with a smug smirk playing on his lips while he hovered over me, Speros between us.

"Speros needed a walk" I said lifting my chin high like I didn't just ran out his room.

He raised his brow and hummed, when he was about to say something someone talked through the pack link.

Everyone needs to go inside the pack house immediately, Alpha Alexander we need you by the border.

Everyone murmured something and in no time there was a noises and people asking what happening in the border.

"Okay people move up and head inside the pack house" Logan yelled so everyone could hear him.

Everyone walked inside including Lisa and Adam, but I couldn't help wonder what is in the border so I waited behind tree until everyone got inside and Logan closed the door behind him.

Good now it's time to shift and head to the border.

I tried to shift but it's like something is holding me back and I can't shift. Damn it Stella where are you. She didn't answer, of course when I needed her she will disappear.

Wait, Mama Bee said that the necklace with cause me troubles and I have to face the consequences. Is this one of it? not being able to shif or communicate woth my wolf !!

I don't know what to do now. Without Stella I'm not that strong, I'll be vulnerable to any source of danger.

I don't know but something inside me says I should go after Alexander.

Okay the choice has been made, Alexander here I come.


Okay I knew our pack land is large but I didn't knew that it will take a whole 15 minuets running just to reach the border. The snow is slowing me down and I'm freezing, I'm a werewolf but I'm out of breath only after 15 minuets of running!

I guess I should eat less pancakes and get in shape as soon as possible.

The trees line started to disappear and a groupe of men were standing around something in the floor.

Okay now all I have to do is to climb a tree and see from above what they are looking at.

I started to climb the tree until I reached its peak. "That was easy" I said to myself and sat a little to catch my breath.

Okay let's see, what are they looking at? I frowned because I couldn't see anything because Alexander is the tallest and he's blocking my view.

"Move away big guy" I mumbled angry and tilted my body to the right slowly to see clearly. To my luck Alexander moved! Good now I can see what -

"Aaaaah" I fell down right on bum. I rubbed it slowly, shit this hurts like hell.

"What are you doing here!" One of the warriors who protects the border said startling me.

My body jolted up automobile in a defensive manner.

"I .. I..." I didn't know what to say actually.

"You're coming with me" He said and pulled roughly to where everyone were standing.

Okay everyone is something that I don't care about but Alexander is for sure going to kill me.

First I left him alone while he was talking to me in my room, then I ran out his room and now this.

"Alpha this she-wolf was spying on us" The warriors claimed.

"I wasn't" I said although I was indeed spying on them. At least it wasn't from bad intention.

"Selena!" Alexander exclaimed and let go of a long breath

I stood there confused, he was relieved to see me? Shouldn't he be angry at me? I broke every single law he set.

He walked towards me with quick steps and I closed my eyes ready to any kind of impacts.

I was pulled into a hard chest with big arms surrounding me. The winter coldness suddenly disappeared, it felt like hugging the summer.

Alexander hugged me even closer to him and inhaled my hair.

What is he doing? I opened my eyes and looked up to see him. His eyes were shining like he just found what he was looking for after years of searching.

Someone cleared his throat. "Alpha, what's your orders?" The guy said awkwardly.

And I realized that me and Alexander were glued to each other in front of bunch of buffed warriors.

My cheeks turned red and I hope that the cold weather could cover my embarrassment and I can use it as an excuse.

In the other hand Alexander wasn't affected by that. In fact he tugged me closer to him me he turned to talk to the guy.

I don't know what he told him or where is he currently taking me to. We were walking away from the border for five minutes now but all what I kept thinking of is our joint hands and the way he looked at me back then.

"Selena" Alexander soft voice snapped me back to reality.

"Huh?" I was still in daze. I looked at Alexander who was looking at me as if he was trying to analyze me.

I asked him to reject me, is he planning to do it here?

My heart suddenly started racing on and my breath fastened within a second. I know that I don't want to be between two fire with him but a water without him doesn't mean the life will be easier.

I don't want him to reject me, I regret my foolish act and I really want him.

"Why are you crying" Alexander's hand caress my cheeks, his face is yellow and his eyes are shaking.

"Don't reject me please" I pleaded softly, my voice is shaking and I was barley whispering. I

"What?" Confusion is writing all over his face.

I sniffled and spoke up "Aren't you going to reject me now?"

"What? No hell no" He said and hugged me again.

"Here take my coat you're freezing" He took out his coat and placed it over my shoulders.

"Why? I didn't listen to you, I disrespected you, I ran from your room and followed you here without your permission" My lips were trembling while I talked I don't even know if he understood what I said with my weak shaking voice.

A small smile appeared on his lips. "I know but that's what makes me love you" He said kissing my head.


"Close your mouth you'll get sick like that" He said chuckling.

"You .. you love me?" I cried my tears fell down my cheeks nonstop. I covered my face as I dropped down on my knees.

Alexander picked me up and removed my hands. "Selena you're my mate, my other half of course I love you, I was stupid to think that if I treated you badly you'll hate me and with that I'll be able to let you go. You don't know how my heart race when your eyes meets mine or how my heart wants to jump into you when I see you. You are a bless and I was blinded by my own thoughts, I know I'm selfish to ask you this but I'm so sorry love forgive me, will you?"

I was speechless. If this is a dream then I don't want to wake up but if it's not ... I don't even know what I'm supposed to say.

Instead I choose to show him my answer in different means. I tugged his shirt and smashed my lips om his. They were cold but they felt good on mine.

He smiled through the kiss and kissed me back. He took over the kiss and it turned from tender kiss to rough one. He was literally eating my lips but I wasn't going to complain about that.

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