Chapter Twenty One

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A lot of people are talking around me, I feel really tired and sleepy. Go away you're disturbing my peace. Hmmm what a comfy bed.

"Doctor she's moving" Is that Alexander's voice? His voice is so nice and almost music to my ears.

Wait how did I get here? last thing I remember is ... being in the forest!

I jolted up panicking and the heart monitor picked up with my heart pace, looking around I saw the doctor, Lisa, Adam, Nicholas and Alexander.

"It's okay you're safe" Adam said taking my hand in his but my heart wanted someone else I looked over where Alexander is standing while he was talking to the doctor.

"Alexander" I called and he quickly finished his conversation with the doctor and came by my side.

"I'm here, I'm here" he repeated until my heart rate slowly backed to normal.

Confused I asked him the question that kept roaming around in my head "How did I get here?"

He scratched his head and smiled "I think you was overwhelmed by kiss" he said making everyone else chuckle. I felt the heat running along my neck and into my cheeks.

"Aww you're blushing" Nicholas and Lisa said together. I glared at them making them shut up.

Nicholas pretended to zips his lips and smiled at me innocently.

"Seriously what happened?" I asked Alexander again and he sighed.

"I really don't know, you was perfectly fine but after I broke the kiss you fainted right away and you was burning up so I brought you here" He explained to me while holding my hands and rubbing circles to comfort me.

"What did the doctor say?" He shook his head.

"He doesn't know why this happened to you" I frowned. I don't remember anything from what Alexander said and it confusing me.

"You're fine that what matter, okay?" Adam told me brushing a strand of hair out of my face. He had a sad look in his eyes and I couldn't find the reason behind it.

"Are you okay?" I asked him but before I got my answer Alexander spoke up.

"Can all of you please leave the room for a minute, Selena is going to be discharged today so you will have a chance to see her later. if you want to go back to your business feel free to go, I'm here" Alexander ordered and within a second everyone was out of here.

Before leaving the room Adam looked at me with same look just seconds ago but smiled before finally leaving the room.

"So.." I trailed awkwardly. Alexander's eyes softened when they met mine.

"You scared the hell out of me" He stated.

"Mm sorry?" I said not sure how to response to that.

He shook his head "Selena I don't want you to apologize, what I really want you to do is to tell me how did your heat turned down when it barely took place" He questioned. His eyes held worry and concern.

I'm really ashamed of what I did but it seemed right back then and if I knew Alexander will change suddenly I wouldn't wear the necklace.

Okay Selena just tell him what happened it's okay he care for you. Alexander raised his eyebrows waiting for my answer, okay end of pep talk

"After our fight .. I .."
How am I supposed to tell him this it's harder than I thought.

"You?" He tried to stimulate me but I just gave him a shaky smile.

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