Chapter Seven

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I woke up feeling really hungry, I glanced at the alarm clock on the table next to my bed to see that it's read ... WHAT! it's 11:30 pm!

I jolted up and looked out the window and it was really dark.

I skipped the dinner? why Adam didn't wake me up? or Lisa? how could they do that to me.

I groaned and dragged myself out of the bed and to the door, The floor was really cold under my bare feet but I ignored it.

I was really looking forward the dinner. Mama Bee said that she was going to make her special pepperoni pizza and it's only for me.

Lisa was so excited too saying that she missed it, she also protested saying that Mama Bee was giving me a special treatment because apparently she asked Mama Bee for the pizza dozen times but Mama Bee didn't feel like cooking it.

Damnt it Lisa, that why she didn't wake me up I'm sure.

I walked blindly in the darkness, why it's even dark? everyone is sleeping already?

I winced when I bumped my head into a wall. I rubbed my forehead and groaned in frustration, how I'm supposed to find the stairs in this darkness.

Eventually I made it to the stairs and to the kitchen without any more injuries, thankfully.

The kitchen has a dim lighting from the moon shining outside. Ahh Finally I can see something.

I walked to the fridge and opened it, I looked around for the pizza but there was no left over.

I whined lowly like a child who didn't get what she wanted. The pizza must tasted very good that there was no left over, not one damn piece.

I signed in defeat and decided to just drink a glass of water and then go back to sleep.

I took out the water jug when someone startled me.

"What are you doing here?" he said.

I shrieked and dropped the jug breaking it. I winced when some small pieces of glass cut my bare feet.

"What have you done!" His voice boomed through the kitchen. I looked up to meet Alpha Alexander angry eyes.

I didn't know that it was him, without my wolf my senses are weak and so is the mate bond. If my wolf was here I would definitely smell Alpha Alexander scent.

My wolf kept waking up and go to sleep repeatedly. She healed my injured back and that took all of her energy.

I didn't feel her inside of my head since they started to give us drugs to keep our wolves weak and that was a year ago. I was surprised when I felt her in my head stirring around uncomfortably. I thought she was never going to communicate with me again.

Alpha Alexander hard eyes seemed as if he was looking through my soul and that made me feel nervous and my heart beat fastened.

It look like this is my new thing and I have to get use to it as long as I'm staying in the pack near Alpha Alexander.

"I didn't mean to break the jug but you startled me" I muttered lowly but of course with the werewolf hearing he heard it.

I was about to move away from the broken glasses under me when a growl stopped me.

"Don't move we don't want you to have more glass on your feet now, do we?" Alpha Alexander said looking at me with an annoyed face.

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