Chapter Fourteen

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I was laid back staring at nothing in particular inside my tent when I heard someone shuffling outside. I crawled on my knees slowly and popped my head out only to see ... Lisa? what she's doing here in such time?

Her eyes landed on me and her worried expression softened a bit before she spoke "Oh you're awake that's good" her face turned into a serious one as she continued "Selena we've been under attack by rogues and Alexander wants us to head back it's not safe anymore"

I gasped at the news and my heart stared to hammer inside of my chest. Rogues, their purpose in life is to kill and end us.

"did someone got hurt?" I asked when the news sank in my mind. Lisa shook her head

"Thankfully no, hurry up Alexander wants us to go back right now start packing your stuff"

That's a relief, I thought to myself and sighed " I'll start packing" I told her nodding my head.


It has been three hours since we got home and everyone went to their rooms. Taking shower and unpacking their bags.

Nicholas and Alexander went the border where the patrol is to investigate the incident.

I plopped down on my bed, my back dipped onto the mattress while my arms laid extended next to me.

I have to find a way to stop the heat or at least delay it. If I go onto heat without my mate in my side it will be a huge torture.

When I was fourteen years old, one of the she-wolf had her heat without her mate to her side because he was outside the pack in a mission. They had to put her in a temporary coma to prevent her from hurting herself.

She stabbed her stomach to stop the pain and they immediately got her to the hospital and saved her.

She couldn't handle her heat because her mate wasn't next to her and they were real mate!

I mean the male accepted and marked his mate and still it was unbearable for the she-wolf.

This is why I'm so afraid, my mate didn't accept me! Hell he might never do and I have to deal with my heat every f*cking month.

Okay I had to do something.

With the determination that had built up inside of me I stood up and walked out of my room.

I don't know where to go or who is the right person to ask but maybe I can ask Mama Bee? I don't really have any hope inside of me but I'll still ask.

I'll be able to say I tried.

It's nearly breakfast time so I guess that she's in the kitchen. I head there and bingo I was right.

She indeed was in the kitchen making the most delicious pancakes ever, it smelled so good that I started to salivate just by smelling it.

"Good morning Mama Bee" I greeted hugging her from behind.

"Oh sweetheart don't do this it's dangerous" She scold me and moved away from the stove.

I giggled and gave her my best innocent face I could pull out. She rolled her eyes but hugged me nonetheless. "Good morning for you too honey" she said and went back to the pancakes.

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