Chapter Thirty Two

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Selena POV:

Entering the kitchen I saw a lots of people there, it was specious one so a good amount of people can make their meal without being stuck on bunch of people. There was Two stoves and Three fridges. It was oddly a very nice modern kitchen.

At least Edgar care for his pack luxury.

When people noticed me or to be specific, when they noticed the handcuffs attaching me to their Alpha, they were staring at me like if they continue just a little more they will discover my identity.

"Alpha? Who is this beautiful lady?" A woman asked, she looks like she is thirty years old or so.

Her face was nice and calm, oddly I felt comfortable with her presence.

Edgar smiled proudly and spoke up with confident voice. "She's my mate and your Luna" he said.

The woman face turned into a surprised one but soon after she smiled wildly.

Everyone one started to congratulate us for finding each other.

I really wanted to say that your Alpha is a sycho and I'm for sure not your Luna.

But I preferred to stay quiet and earn his trust for now. Let him think that I'm slowly accepting the situation.

"Everyone one can you please leave the kitchen" Edgar said with a strong voice.

It gave me goosebumps, he was nicely asking them but yet his voice held strength as his body radiated power.

The kitchen slowly emptied up leaving Edgar and I alone.

He sat down on a stool and I did the same sitting next to him.

"It's not like you to stay silent about something you don't like" he said and started eating his breakfast that was already on the table.

"Why do you think so?" I said lifting my eyebrows.

He smirked "I know so" he said and dropped his fork.

Edgar turned around to look at me. I held my breath when he leaned closer to me, he inhaled and then backed away taking his fork again and continue eating.

"You didn't tell me that you got your wolf back" He said.

That why he was smelling me, I must smell like a dog now which is our natural scent.

"Well I got my wolf back" I said with fake smile.

"Your faking your responses today" he said suspiciously.

I know lying is not an option he can smell it.

"Yes I am" I said calmly. I looked at him from beneath my lashes to see his reaction but he was blank.

He just hummed his response. I released a breath and rested my head on the fest of my hand.

"Eat anything you want, your left hand is free" he told me while looking at the cuffs that attached to my right hand.

I heard footsteps and looked to the entrance of the kitchen.

It was a little girl fully dressed with pink. She was blonde with beautiful green eyes.

"Alpha Edgar!" The girl exclaimed excitedly and ran towards us.

Edgar in the other hand quickly stood up ready to catch her.

The girl jumped into Edgar embrace, he caught her with his right arm the only available one right now since he cuffed us.

Everything happened before my eyes and I still can't believe it. What the hill is happening here. He became an angel? Does she know who is she hugging!

"Hey Arii" Edgar hugged her back.

'Arii' smiled wildly before talking in a very rushed manner.

"You know what happened to me today at school? No? Well the teacher taught me how to braid my hair in a fish like style and as soon as I came home I tried it on myself look" She twirled so Edgar could see her braided hair.

What I couldn't miss is the bunch of bobby pin on her hair, she must have hard time to braid her hair.

Edgar chuckled making me look at him. He did change for real. But still I'm not his mate why can't he sense that?

"You look beautiful" Edgar said as the girl's eyes shined with pride and happiness.

Arii lokked at me and smiled "You are my brother's mate right?" The girl asked and my mouth opened not to answer her question but I couldn't help but to be surprised.

She's Edgar's sister!

"Well, well, it's time for you to leave. Selena is tiered and she just want to eat her breakfast in peace so she can go and get some rest" Edgar changed the subject.

The little girl pouted "But I wanted to play with her to get to know her" she argued.

And at that moment a had an idea.

"It's okay Arii we have plenty of time to get to know each other, I can play with you tomorrow if you like but for now is it okay to just braid my hair?"

The little girl eyes shined with excitement and she nodded with a smile.




We headed back to his room and he walked me in the little inside room I was in before.

"I'm sorry but I just need to make sure that you will not try to escape that why I'm locking you here" Edgar explain with a very soft voice.

If the memory of him killing my parents not printed on my mind and he didn't torture me just them I might believe that he is a good person.

I sighed and looked away not giving him the comfort of me not running away.

"Just one more day and we will start our mating" He said calmly.

My eyes flew to meet his eyes. They were serious and a deep promise settled in his them.

With me not saying anything he walked out and locked the door behind him.

Okay I just need to wait until the sun sets and the dark settled down.

I looked at my hand as I'm holding the only thing that can gets me out of here.

Ohh Adam, who knew that you were right and now I can benefit of what you taught me.

Looking at the Booby pin. I waited patiently to the night to come.


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