9. Venice Beach

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"So it seems you'll be stuck with me for another 24 hours." I yawn, looking at Raphael as he was downstairs opening the blinds.

"Why? I thought this was just for a night?"

"Guess not... William says they're...busy."

I could guess what they were doing but I wasn't going to tell him. Too graphic...

"Interesting. I don't care what he says, but I don't want to bother Arthur any more than I've already have so lucky for William, I'm not coming anywhere near them." He says, walking towards me as he looks at my phone." So, since we're stuck together, let's do something fun. I've been in the same area for so long and I want something interesting to do."

I shrug,putting my phone down as I didn't know what to tell him.

"I see... I guess you have been in the area for three days straight - except when we went to the restaurant." I state, folding my arms as I tried to figure it out.

Not sure where I could take him, I had a life too. It didn't involve looking after him and he's very rude. He has these switches in emotions and it has me wondering if he has multiple personalities.

"We can go to some places that I've been when I was younger."

"Oh? Are you trying to educate me on your life?" He asks, almost mocking me as I roll my eyes.

"No. I wasn't even thinking about that. I just wanted to take you to the places that made me happy. Like Venice Beach is one of my favorite places along with Malibu."

"Those all sound so great...but I don't want to go to places you like. It's not always about you. I think I want to go to...New York!"

"That's not happening." I interject, shaking my head." You don't even know what the places are so you must be open minded."

He glared at me suddenly, going to my Keurig and staring at the mechanics of it.

"I was fucking open minded when I kissed you, but, you know. That doesn't seem to count so I'll excuse that-."

"Oh my gosh! You need to get over that!"

"I can't!"

"Why not? Huh! Why the fuck not?! You don't think it bothers me too? You don't think I want to kiss you as well? Well guess what, I guess neither of us get what we want, so get dressed! We're fucking going to Venice Beach and I don't care what you say!" I conclude loudly, his eyes narrowing at me as he edged closer.

Glaring down at me and I didn't falter because I've dealt with glares like this. Like the one when I first met Arthur when I was in high school... That glare made me no longer be afraid of any regular glare.

"You're confidence and spirit, intrigues me... I'll change." He ended, walking away as I stared in shock. Surprised that he didn't try to argue with me. But I guess I should be thankful as I went in my room and changed as well.

Wearing black tracksuit bottoms and a pink sweatshirt because I think pink is cool. Not only does it look good on girls but it looks good on guys too. White crew socks and all-pink superstar adidas. Honestly, I think it looks on point.

Leaving my room after doing my hair and brushing my teeth, I find Raphael sitting on the couch. Wearing dark red cropped trousers and a regular dark red shirt. Shocked to see him in a Gucci leather bomber jacket. As well as Gucci sneakers.

"How fancy..." I say, and he chuckles as he stands. Looking me up and down, having me feel embarrassed because he looked like he had all this money and here is this young adult tagging along.

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