1. Dentist

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5 Yrs Later...

"Please work with me!" I cry, pulling Ava - trying to at least, to the car. Arthur upstairs trying to wake Isabella up as these two still haven't become accustomed to the eastern timing.

They sleep like it's night in the day and stay awake like crazy at night. I guess when I first met Arthur he stayed up at night...example, the first day him and I met.

"I'm tired!"

"I am too! But it's time to go."

"Go where?" Ava asked, sitting up as she got in car and I smile. Trying to come up with something better than the dentist.

I hate the dentist just as much as the next kid, but it's just a regular check-up and Arthur is getting one too. I just didn't tell him...he thinks it's just for the kids.

Here's a recollection of what I said:

"The kids have to go to the dentist tomorrow, the kids at heart too."

So to sum it all up, Arthur is in there too since he's a child at heart. It was a cute trick of words that he obviously wouldn't notice.

"It's a fun little place that has three levels and gives away nice little toys when you get a nasty gold coin for letting ugly people explore a place we like to keep sealed closed." I say happily, smiling tightly as she narrows her eyes at me.

"Is it the dentist." She says numbly, making me shrug as she sighs." Why didn't you just say so? We are nine years old, I can take the dentist. It's Isabella you should worry about, so."

I watched her lay back down in the car and I look away, watching Arthur walk towards me holding a sleeping Isabella in his arms. A grin on his face as he laid her next to Ava and closed the door softly.

"I kinda feel bad that we have to take them to the dentist." Arthur whines, looking through the window as he faces me." We should get them something to eat after."

"Doesn't that go against the reason why we go? They get their teeth cleaned then leave to get them dirty. Besides, I always liked the dentist. I like to know I'm leaving with a brighter smile than before." I state, making Arthur smile as I look away." Stop showing off your perfect teeth."

I smirk, entertained that he still has no clue that he's going to the dentist as well. It's small little tricks like this that make my day.

Until he's grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him. His hand cradling my cheek and feeling his thumb graze my jaw.

"You didn't shave I see. I remembered to shave my little stumbles." He said, rubbing his jaw and I gasp as I feel mine.

"I completely forgot! Trying to get them up for the dentist... Man, now I know how my mom feels when I was a child." I groan, Arthur shaking his head as he kissed my cheek.

"My daughters are probably much easier than you were. Sorry, but they aren't spoiled rotten like you, mon amour. But because you were so spoiled it brought us together! Merci Beaucoup!" He screamed, smiling and I roll my eyes because it's somewhat true.

"Yes, but you still loved me."

"Oui. I did. It'd be wrong of me not to. It's what made you William and I couldn't ask for anything better."

I blush, about to kiss him until I heard a knock on glass. Looking to see Isabella glaring at the two of us as Ava laughed.

"We were caught." He mumbled, still giving me a peck on the lips as he rushed around the car. Making me laugh as I got in and once we were all set I looked at the two of them. Ava already knowing where we were going and judging on Isabella's sour look she knew too.

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