36. "Let Me Burn"

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"Arthur, since I care about you, something's occurred to me." I say, him looking at me as he lotions my leg.

We just took a shower together and it has been a week ever since he proposed to me. Since than we've gone on a honeymoon...I guess, to Sydney.

You'd be surprised, this country is off the charts. Sydney is a nice country in my opinion. Got nice style not to mention it's my element. Everyone here has money - as do I - so I don't stand out like a sore thumb. You can drive a Lambo through here and be normal.

"Yes, something has occurred to me as well." He added, standing as he sat beside me. We looked at one another, and he chuckled as I sighed.

"Let's say it at the same time, since I don't want to wait anymore."

He nodded, then we both counted down from three as once we got to one I smiled.

"I love you." We say at the same, and I blush as he chuckles.

"We've become this sappy in under a few days... Wonder how much more sappy we're going to become." I state, making him smile as he got up.

"I not care. We both can get as sappy as we want. It shows our love for one another."

"Oui." ( yes ) I whisper, making him chuckle.

"So where are we going again?"

"Nowhere. I canceled our reservation."

Arthur frowned as he set down his suit he was going to wear, giving me a confused look.

"I thought you wanted to go there."

"I did. But I decided I want to stay here in this nice hotel. This place actually has an aquarium in here not to mention a movie theater...I kinda want to watch a movie in there."

He smiled, grabbing hold of my hand as he pulled me to him. The both of us hugging as his lips brushed my forehead.

"I would love that. A movie with you is perfect."

"I'll make the popcorn." I volunteer, and he nods as he goes to the theater.

Rushing to the kitchen, I open one of the drawers as I pull out a pack of popcorn. Removing the plastic I put up the flaps as I put it in the microwave. Pressing popcorn mode, I lean against the counter as I listen to the pops of the kernels.

Doing so, I think about what has happened over the course of these few days.

Sex - lots of it actually. We've been on yachts and tried all kinds of different foods at least. Not to mention we've never been closer until we've come here and I walk around with this huge ring on my finger.

I still wonder why he is still with me. Just thinking over everything I have done to him makes me sorta despise myself. Any woman or man would want him; yet, he chose a bully like me...

"Is corn of the pop almost done?"

I hear Arthur from the side of me, seeing him come in front of me as I avoided his eye contact. If I looked in them I know for sure that I'd break down and cry for all the shit I've thrown at him.

"Arthur..." I croak, and I immediately feel him tip my chin up so that I'm looking at him. Almost scared for a moment that he'd assume the worst. No...it's him, he would never.

"What is wrong?"

I shake my head, the microwave suddenly beeping as I mask my feelings with a smile.

"Looks like the popcorn's done!" I run around him, grabbing the bag as I dump it in a bowl. Grabbing salt as I sprinkled it over it and he still looked concerned from seeing me almost cry like that.

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