71- I'm Sorry

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Yoshitsune's POV

There I was on the floor, proposing to Jessika.

"Will you marry me?" I waited for her to answer.

"No" it took me a second to register the answer. She said no. NO!!!! Who? What?

"Jessika?" my voice was quivering. She started crying.

"I'm so sorry Yoshitsune. I just, I can't. I'm just not ready to make a commitment. I'm so sorry"

"Not ready for a commitment!!!! You're really telling me after five years, you're still not ready to be happy again. You really don't trust me, do you?" She just kept crying and crying. I felt my heart tear and shred inside of me.

"I'm sorry Yoshitsune" that's all she kept saying. Over and over, I just wanted her to stop.

"I think I have to go. I'm sorry Jessika" and with that I walked to her. I kissed her cheek and left. I couldn't take it. I started walking to Titan's Tower. I had to tell Robin what happened. I turned the corner and I met face to face with that Klaus guy and the idiot that I almost killed at the restaurant.

"Well well well, look who we found" They started coming toward me. I kept my ground. I wasn't going to run.

"I'm impressed. You're not a coward" Klaus ran and threw a punch at me. That went right into my lip and jaw. I was going to get back at him, but the guy held me down and Klaus beat the living hell out of me. They both left me there. I started dragging myself out if the alley they brought me into. I stood up and started walking home. Everything hurt, but I didn't have a car with me. I walked past some apartments and that's when I heard her.

Jessika's POV

I had to find Yoshitsune. I was so stupid. I do love him and I do want to marry him. Everything was happening so fast, but I am ready for him. I told my neighbor to watch the kids for five minutes. I started walking down the street I saw him leave and called out to him.

"Yoshitsune!!!" I heard walking. I looked and there he was.

"Jessika!" he called back. I ran toward him. I noticed he was dragging his feet. I looked up and he was beaten up. I ran faster. Just as I was in arms length, his legs have out.

"I got you" I told him and helped him stand. I started walking him to my apartment. We got inside and I took him to my room. My neighbor left. I helped him sit and I walked into the kitchen. I got paper towels, ice, and the first aid kit. I went back into my room. He was spinning something in his hand. I walked to him and kneeled down. I lifted his face and I saw how many bruises and cuts covered him. I paper and water and started cleaning up the blood. He kept his gave on me. I got a bandage and put it on the cut on his forehead. I put some rubbing alcohol on his arm and covered it up. His gave was still on me. He needed to take his shirt off. I started blushing, because he is so fine. He stood up and took his shirt off. I made him sit back down. He had a really bad bruise on his stomach. He was kicked there over and over. I covered that with an anti-inflammatory and a pin killer, then I wrapped him with bandages and gauze. I covered the rest of him and he was good as new. He kept twirling that thing in his hand. I looked closer and it was the ring. I looked at him, lifted his face, and I kissed him. He didn't kiss me back. I got mad. I wasn't sad anymore. I was pist. "Yoshitsune" I barked at him.

"What?" I made him look me in the eye. I took the ring he kept spinning and put it in my ring finger. it was a beautiful diamond ring. It was the rare blue diamond. Shun's was an emerald, but this one was beautiful. I looked at the ring and I looked back at him. I walked to him and sat on his lap. He cringed at the pain. "Dang woman, haven't you hurt me enough?" I laughed at him. I started kissing his neck. He didn't say it do anything.

"Yoshitsune, please. I'm sorry. I don't know what happened to me. I love you. I love you so much. And yes, I will marry you" he looked at me in shock.

"Are you sure?"

"Ha! More sure than I've ever been in my whole life" He smiled and started kissing me. He pulled me tighter.

"I promise you, that I will never do anything wrong to hurt you. Besides, I never break my promises" We kept kissing over and over. We fell back onto the bed and breathlessly...

"I love you"

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