Chapter 42-Lisbeth and Justin Part 3

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Jessika's POV

I had Lisbeth over and we were in the living room talking. Our boys were outside doing who knows what.

"So?", I asked her. Its been five months since she's been pregnant and she had an ultrasound yesterday.

"It's a boy!", she told me excitedly. "Now I need a name for him"

"I don't know"

"Ok,enough about me. What about you and Shun? Anything yet?"

"We had our honeymoon yesterday". She squealed all happily. "Um, Lisbeth. Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah boo. Anything"

"Um, how did u know you were pregnant?"

"Oh, sicknesses, contractions, feeling bloated, mood swings, food cravings"



"Just asking. And all of this, is it the same for everyone or does it depend on the girl?"

"It depends on the girl"

"Okay, thanks", I was listing this all in my head.

"Okay, so what are you...", I couldn't finish cause I got a sick feeling in throat and stomach and I ran into the bathroom. Lisbeth followed and held my hair up as I threw up into the toilet.

"So are you going to tell me why?"

"Lisbeth, it's too soon, I think"

"When was you first time?"

"Last year"

"Second time?"

"When John and I made up"



"Girl, you could be a month"

"What do you mean a month? I don't wanna die! Lisbeth! What's happening to me?", I started crying.

"No Jess, you're not going to die. You're having mood swings, too"

"So, so does a girl on her period"

"When was your last time?"

"Um hello! I'm an athlete! Mine's irregular!"

"That's true"


"Have you been having trouble putting on jeans?"

"No, I haven't worn jeans in the longest time cause Shun says they're harder to rip off". Lisbeth rolled her eyes and I laughed.


"Lisbeth,I can't be pregnant! I just can't! What will happen to me,my marriage,what about Shun?"

"Baby, calm down. Lets go to the pharmacy and buy a test. Don't stress it". I nodded. We went out through the back entrance and took my mustang. We went to Walgreens and bought the test. I was super nervous, so Lisbeth drove us back. We went inside and I went to the bathroom while Lisbeth waited downstairs. I followed the instructions and waited. I looked at the test and didn't believe it.

"LISBETH!!!!!!!!!". I screamed at the top of my lungs. I sat in the corner crying, I can't believe this.

Lisbeth opened the door and came toward me. She smiled and sat down next to me.

"Positive huh?". I nodded, she hugged me.

"How am I going to tell Shun?"

"Girl you tell him. And you call me as soon as he knows. If he loves you, then don't worry"

"Okay. Thanks for everything Lisbeth."

We both went downstairs to see the guys sitting down talking. They both looked at us and smiled. Didn't really pay attention. Lisbeth ran down the rest of the way and hugged Justin. I started running, but then I tripped and just as I was about to hit the floor, someone caught me. I opened my eyes to see Shun. I looked at him, but he looked at me sternly with that "we have to talk" look. Oh boy.

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