Chapter 9- I Hate You

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Jessika's POV

Why am I so comfortable? I felt someone playing with my hair, and when I opened my eyes, there was Shun.

"You're dreamy when you sleep", Shun told me, dropping a lock of my hair.

"You're such a perv, watching a girl sleep", I replied giggly.

"Uh, no. I'm a gentleman. I slept next to you the entire night, and I didn't touch you", he said like a mr. knowitall.

"Your arm was around my waist, wasn't it?", I sounded cocky.

"Oh well excuse me for not having enough room to put my arm between us", he was right, uh. Mr. knowitall.

We got up and got ready. The next trial was theatre. My team was Sleeping Beauty and Shun had Snow White. My team was Ashley, Natalie, Jodonis, Lisbeth, and Shannon. Shun's team was Mira, Alice, and a bunch of guys, including Arnaldo, Austin, and Yhoustin.

My play was up first, and I was Aurora. Jodonis was Prince Phillip. As the play started, it went as a breeze, until the kissing scene. I don't know what happened after, but there was a smoke bomb and the next thing I knew, I was carried out. When I felt the grip, I held on tighter, cause I knew who it was.

We went to his room. He looked nervous. I was going to say something, but felt a pair of lips on mine. I opened my eyes, seeing Shun. But after a while, I relaxed and wrapped my arms around his neck. After a while, we parted.

"Was that your first kiss?", he asked me. I was blushing too much to say anything, so I nodded.

"Good. I did it as a friend", he told me. My heart shatterered.

"What do you mean?", I was verge of tears.

"I mean come one. You didn't think I was going to let someone take your first kiss. Besides, it didn't mean anything",I got so mad and slapped him.

"I hate you!", I yelled at him and ran into my room, slamming and locking all entrances into my room. I cried like crazy.

Shun's POV 

I felt a sting in my chest. Her voice kept repeating in my head.

A 9 year old Jessika, "Shun!", she walked up to me and hugged me. 

A preteen Jessika, "Shun", she leaned on my shoulder as we watched the sunset. 

A teen Jessika, "I hate you!", and left me.

What have I done?

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