70- Surprise

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Jessika's POV

Shun brought the kids and Yoshitsune greeted him at the door. I thanked him and the kids said hello and bye to him. I was exhausted. Keith and Rage were tired and I put them to bed quickly. Then, Lisbeth called me.


"Hey boo!" she screamed through the line. Why is she so loud.

"What happened?"

"I just wanted to see how you and your lover were doing?"


"Yeah girl"

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"Yeah you do. You and Shun are getting back together and Yoshitsune doesn't know" I say down and opened my eyes.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?!?!? NEVER in my life will I ever betray the person I love. I don't know and don't care who told you that, but get that thought out of your head. If I wasn't clear before, I'll say it again. I LOVE YOSHITSUNE! Shun can forget about being with me again." she was quiet for a moment.

"I'm sorry Jess. It's just, I don't know"

"Yeah you don't know. Lisbeth you're practically my sister, but sometimes you make me wish I never knew you"

"I know I know"

"Im sorry. Yoshitsune just went home after the kids got dropped off"

"Aaaw. You have an empty feeling. So cute" I rolled my eyes and we hung up. What are you doing to me Yoshitsune? Then my phone rang again.

"I thought I told you we were done talking?!" I screamed into the phone.

"No you didn't" it was Yoshitsune.

"Yoshitsune! I'm sorry. I thought it was Lisbeth"

He laughed. God I love his laugh. "Nah, it's me. Got into a fight?"

"Sort of. Anyways, why are you calling me?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to have a midnight snack."

"Um, sure?"

"Haha! Open your window" I looked weirdly at the phone and turned toward the living room window. I saw a rope and coming up was a basket. I walked toward it and opened the window. I looked down and I saw Yoshitsune looking up, smiling.

"Really? This is your midnight snack?"

"Yup. May I join you?" I laughed at him and signaled him to come up. Instead if using the door like a normal person, he came through the window.

"You could've gone through the door like a regular person" he came toward me and lifted me.

"But it would take longer for me to get here" both of us laughed and he put me down. We walked into the dining room and started snacking on the salad that he brought. Then, he took out champagne.

"Champagne?" he nodded and took out the glasses. He poured it and handed me one.

"May we be together until the end if time" I blushed and we drank. I felt something at the bottom of the glass. I looked at it and Yoshitsune looked at me like I was crazy.

"If you're going to do this, then do it right" he blushed and took the glass away from me. He took out the thing and we stood up. He kneeled and asked that question that I've heard before.

"Will you marry me?"

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