Chapter 54- Found Him

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Jessika's POV

It's been four days after Shun's disappearance. Lisbeth and Justin were supportive and are helping me look whenever they can. Keith started saying his first words. But still no daddy. I was feeding Keith when I heard my phone. I saw a weird number and answered.


"Yes, is this Mrs. Kazami?"

"Yes. Is something wrong?"

"It's your husband"

"What happened to Shun?"

"Does he have a moorcycle?"

"Yes why?"

"Well,bee took him to the hospital. We have the motorcycle. Shun was driving under the influence the other night and got into an accident. When he was unconscious he kept saying a name, Jessika. So we searched his records and found that he married you. Your number showed so we called you"

"Where's my husband now?"

"He'a at Bay View Community Hospital"

"Alright thank you. He'll pick the motorcycle as soon as he can"

"Okay. Thank you". I hung the phone up. I got Keith and headed toward the hospital. After a few minutes, i walked through and asked for his room. Once they told me I rushed there as fast as I could. I knocked and and calmed down when I heard Shun's voice. I opened the door and he looked at me.

"Shun". I sighed. I ran to his side and put my head on his hand. He sat up but with trouble. He lifted my face and I saw him clearly. He had a few cuts and bruises on his face, arms, and hands. But he was alive.

"Jessika, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you two. I promised I would never leave you but I broke it. I hope you'll forgive me". He looked down and I smiled. I lifted his chin and made him look at me.

"Shun. I don't care about anything that you did. I'm just so relieved that you're alive and safe. And back in my arms". Shun started crying and i hugged him. After, Keith started squirming. I laughed and Shun smiled.

"Mama", Keith said as I started tickling him. Shun reached over and grabbed him. He pulled him closer and laughed when he pulled his hair.

"Dada". Shun looked straight at me.

"Did he just say?". I nodded. Shun hugged him and Keith laughed. Shun moved over and i sat next to him. I leaned back and Shun placed Keith in my arms. He lifted me and put me on his legs. He put his head on my shoulder. I looked at him. His face came up and we met at a kiss. It felt like forever since I've been with him. And I wasn't going to let him go again.

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