Chapter 13- All is Fair in Love and War

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Jessika's POV

I can't believe it! Shun really loves me. We fell asleep at the cliff side. We woke up with the sun in our face. Shun didn't wake up immediately, so I had to, or his mom would worry.

"Shun, Shun wake up", I shook him, but he didn't wake up. Hm. I leaned over and started tickling him. He still didn't wake up, well, what could I expect. He is a ninja. I got up and went to the water. I got some and threw it at him. He sat up like if someone blew an air horn into his ear. I saw him get up and look at me. I started running deeper into the water, then swimming. I heard a splash, but didn't see him anywhere. I kept looking around for him, until I felt something grab my waist. I screamed and was pulled underwater. I opened my eyes and saw Shun smiling. And he started swimming from me. Oh hell no. I started swimming after him and grabbed his foot. He twisted to look at me and he pulled me up. We both looked at each other and swam to the surface to catch a breath.

"That was not funny", I told him, splashing water at him.

"Yes it was. You should have seen your face underwater", he kept laughing. I got so mad. I jumped at him and pushed him underwater. Then he spun and pulled me down with him. I just looked at him. He kept smiling, and I didn't know why. I was lost in thought when he disappeared. Oh no. I swam in a circle, but I couldn't find him. Then I felt something touch my leg. I looked down to see Shun kissing my leg. He looked and smiled, now I know what he was thinking. He pulled me down to his level and kissed me. I felt chills running all over me. He grabbed my waist and put his hands in the middle of my back. I had just realized that I was wearing my kickboxing clothes(thigh shorts/sports bra). Either way, it felt weird. I pulled off his shirt and kissed his neck. He lifted me and we swan to the surface. We caught a breath and went under again. This time, he found my soft spot and bit it. I swam from him and he came after. We kept swimming and reached a coral reef. The fish swam all around the coral. I started swimming to the edge, but something wrapped around my leg, and it wasn't Shun this time. All I knew was I was stuck and I needed to breathe soon.

Shun's POV

This is amazing. I'm having the time of my life with the girl of my dreams. Wait, where was she? I started getting frantic. She never came out of the water. I didn't think twice about jumping in. I started swimming all over, trying to cover as much ground as I could. As I looked, something hit my back. I looked down and saw a rock. I turned and saw Jess trying to get out of the seaweed. The problem is, it's Fire Seaweed, the deadliest and most dangerous of sea plant life. And by the look on her face, it was burning. I swam to her as fast as I could. I looked at how tight it was and where it grabbed her. I couldn't take it anymore, she was getting hurt, under my care. I pulled at the weed until it loosened enough for her to slip her foot out. But she was hurt pretty bad, and my hands hurt like hell. I grabbed her waist and swam to the surface. She was finally able to breathe.

"Thank you Shun", she said breathlessly. I only nodded. I felt so bad, all I wanted was for us to have a day off together, but it didn't work out. I got up carrying her out of the water and ripped pieces from my shirt. I wrapped a few around my burning hands. I grabbed a few more pieces and wrapped it around her leg.

"Ow! Shun, I'm sorry that you got hurt",I swear, she is way too nice. I wrapped it tighter and she whimpered.

"Jess, you don't have to apologize for me getting hurt. It was an accident. Why is it that you're so nice? People can take advantage of that. I mean, look at Jonnathan for example. He took advantage of your friendship so you can do his dirty work for him. And in the end, you got hurt. The worst part is, you can't get over it!", wow, I got mad pretty quick. I just hate the fact that she would let people walk all over her.

"Listen Shun Kazami! I don't know who you think you are to judge me. And what happened with Jonnathan. I can't get over it cause I don't know what I did to make him stop talking to him. He knows I miss him, but he's just like that. And why am I so nice? Because of all the hell I've been put through my entire life Shun! If I wrote a story about my life, please, I'd be rich. I am the way I am for those reasons Shun! People say how bruises and scars are ugly. Well you know what? My body is covered in them and I don't give! It shows that I haven't had an easy life. They're there because I have a history! I fight Shun! I don't give speeches or lectures, no. I fight with a fist and kick. Those are the things that have shaped the kind of person that I am", she was furious, and on the verge of tears. I know she has a history, I know she's been put through hell and still makes it back alive. She's a powerful girl, and I love her for that. But, I'm just so mad right now.

"Look Jess", she looked at me pretty aggressively.

"Don't call me that"

"Fine, Jessika. I know you've been put through hell, and you make it back alive. I know that you're the type of person that doesn't speak their feelings, you fight them. You have scars and bruises cause of your history, but your heart isn't. All I'm trying to do is get back where we left off. You know it hasn't been easy for me ever since my parents got divorced, and I thank you for being there", I said to her, trying to calm her down. It wasn't working.

"Shun. Just because your parents got divorced, doesn't mean you can go around hurting the people that care about you. You know everything there is to know about me, and yet you act as if you don't know me. Look Shun, you say you love me, but you don't prove it!", that blew me over the edge. Saying that I don't prove my love for her. I couldn't take it. I marched up to her and grabbed her hair. I started dragging her across the beach. She was screaming at the top of her lungs. I was crying, how could she say that. After about halfway, I let her go. She got up and slapped me. I just started hitting her and kicking her. It was a ninja versus a kick boxer, I had both advantages and disadvantages and she had hers. I could tell her leg was going to give out on her, I mean come on, she got burned pretty badly. We kept fighting until she laid a lucky punch right in the middle of my face. The pain was excruciating. Then, she fell to the floor. Like I said, her leg was going to give up on her. We were both hurt and bleeding. She didn't aim for my special place, cause she's trained not to, but not me. I saw there was blood coming from in between her legs, and I was scared I broke her v-barrier. Thank God it was a pretty bad kick to her abdomen. Still, I couldv'e killed her with the injuries I gave her. I just walked up the beach and screamed at the top of my lungs. I just fell onto my knees and cried. She was right, about everything. I was pushing everyone away. There was no right for me to hurt her like this. I shouldn't have said everything I said to her. Suddenly, I felt two arms wrap around me. I looked to see Jessika there, grinning at me. I swear, my mom was going to kill me when she sees what I did to her.

"Jessika, I'm so sorry. Its just, you pushed past my limit, and I pushed you too far. I really am sorry", she nodded, but then I realized, I had kicked her in the throat, so she couldn't talk. I stood up carried her up to my motorcycle. We drove all the way to Bayview Community Hospital.

They took care of my pretty quick, but Jessika, they don't know if she'll make till morning. Like I said, I could've killed her.

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