Chapter 26- Lisbeth and Justin

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Jessika's POV

It was Saturday and Shun's mom wasn't coming for about 3 more weeks. Great! Shun and I went over to visit our best friends Lisbeth and Justin, yes Justin Bieber.

"So what's up boo?", she asked me. Okay, I love her, but cut it with the boo thingy.

"Lisbeth, Shun and I have been together our entire lives, but something is stopping me from being happy", she gave me that look.

"I know what it is"


"Oh, please. You know"

"No I don't"

"Yes you do. Don't act like you don't"

"No, I'm serious. What are you talking about?", she said one word.

"Ramirez", that's when it all hit me. I had been feeling guilty about something, but I couldn't figure out why. I was told over and over again to get over it, and I tried, but I guess that I only pushed it out for a little bit. It's stopping me from being truly and 100% happy with Shun.

"You really think so?"

"Girl, I know so"

"But, why would I still be upset about that?"

"Cause you two never got together again. The fight only made you two grow apart"

"Look, everything you tell me about him wanting me to start the conversation is bull. And the reason why is cause the last time I texted him, he told me to f*ck off. So I don't know what I did to offend him, but I would apologize if I knew for what", she nodded. This whole situation between Jonnathan and me has been going on since a week after Valentine's. And, I feel guilty for absolutely no reason.

"I know, but try harder. Look, in the end, who won? You did. Who fell in love? You did. And who still has friends?You do"

"I know Lisbeth"

"So, please try to talk to him"


"Okay. Rodriguez right?"

"Lisbeth!", we just started laughing. This girl was too much."Oh, how's the baby?", yes, she was pregnant.

"Oh, fine. Justin and I are waiting a little longer to find out if it's a boy or a girl. I hope it's a girl", I was so happy for her. She was an expecting mother, first time. And the best part is that no matter how much Bieber has to work and how little time he has to rest, he always has time to be with her.

"Well, I hope it all turns out perfect"

"Hope? Girl, it will be perf", and once again, she would.

Shun's POV

Justin and I were talking about things going on in his music career and how he and Lisbeth were expecting. I wasn't really paying so much attention, all I could think about was Jess and how I wanted us to be married and have kids.

"Shun!", Justin was waving his hands in front of my face.

"Oh. Sorry, just thinking"

"Yeah, you've been doing that a lot. How are you two doing?"

"Fine, couldn't be better"

"Fine? Couldn'te be better? I'm sorry, am I missing something?"


"Then why are you so off? This isn't like you"

"I was just thinking about how you and Lisbeth are so happy and Jessika and I are fighting and having problems. How is it you two are so perfect?", Justin laughed.

"Nah. We had our problems, but we got them resolved. Why? I know you and Jess don't have any. Even though you two are pretty much day and night, the sun and moon, Venus and Mars, fire and rain, Yin Yang, OPPOSITES!"

"I know! That's why we're perfect. But, something is holding her back and I don't  now what it is"

"Don't you read her text messages?"

"No, why?"

"She's fighting with Jonnathan"


"I don't know, but I know he doesn't like the fact that you two are together"

"How do you know/"

Don't you remember when  you two fought how he said you don't deserve her. He loves her like a sister. He still looks out for her, even though in her eyes, he doesn't exist", Justin was right. Jessika was suffering because of him. We needed to figure this out fast. It's messing up our relationship.

"So dude, I know you like her"

"Correction, I like food, animals, the world. I LOVE HER!"


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