Chapter 58 So What Now?

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Shun's POV

I was so exhausted. Yesterday was Keith's birthday and Jess and I after... Wait! I sat up and this time she wasn't next to me. The shower was off and I didn't smell anything coming from the kitchen. I got up and ran into Keith's room. He was asleep. I went up to him and covered him with the blanket. I left and closed the door. I ran down stairs and looked in the living room. I fell to the floor, screaming. Jess was on the floor, passed out, bleeding front the side of her head. I got up and crawled toward her. i put my hand on her chest and felt a pulse. I grabbed her and put her in my arms.

"Jess. Jess wake up. Come on, get up. Open your eyes", I kept shaking her. I ripped a piece of my shirt and wrapped it around her head. her hand shot up and started feeling her head. she opened her eyes and looked straight at me. I lifted her up and carried her into the kitchen. I placed her on the counter top and went to the fridge to get some ice. I unwrapped the strip of shirt and put ice on her cut. She just kept looking at me.

"Jess are you alright?"

"You left your shoes in the middle of the living room". I started laughing at her. She rolled her eyes at me and hit me softly on the head. "I told you more than once, your lucky the cut was there from felling down the stairs. do you do these things just so you could do some sort of gesture of love?". I kept laughing at her but tears were falling this time.

"Shun, please stop. I know you were worried. Calm down please". I stopped crying and put my head on her chest and she put hers on top of mine.

"I'm so sorry. I just don't want to lose you"

"You know your my favorite and one and only guy in this whole universe right?" I leaned in to kiss her but...

"Mommy, what about me?", we looked over and saw Keith standing there with his stuffed lion.

"Aaaw baby, of course you are", Jessika said to him. I ran toward him and lifted him over my head. He was laughing and I put him on Jess's lap.

"Guess what Keith?"


"Mommy and daddy are getting you a little sister"


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