Chapter 19- Our Final Destination

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Jessika's POV

There we were, all of us. My friends, Shun's friends, all of us together. We were having one of those big blowout things, party whatever. I was kind of freaked out cause my girls have been with Shun for a while. And, knowing them, who knows what they're up to.

"Okay everyone. Time to play Spin the Bottle!", yelled Julie, aha! I knew something was up. I started backing away when I felt Jodo and Arnaldo grab me and drag me toward the circle. Man, I hate these dufuses.

"Okay, I'll spin first!", yelled Lisbeth, girl watch it. The bottle spun until, hey what do you know, it lands on me. Everyone started laughing. Lisbeth looked at me with those devious eyes.

"Jessika, truth or DARE?"

"Dare", I never back down when it comes to this.

"I dare you to kiss the cutest and hottest guy in the room, and they can't be your family", uh, Lisbeth. I got up and kissed Jodo, the cutest. Then I went to Shun, the hottest, and kissed him. I heard awes go around, and Shun was just shocked. We kept on with the game until my cousin spun it and it landed on Shun.

"Shun, truth or dare?"

"Dare", Dan, don't you dare say something stupid.

"I dare you to...", he looked at me and gave me a smirk.

"Spend the night, upstairs, in bed, with Jessika", that's it. Oohs went around and I just sat there. I looked at Shun, always with that cool composure and helped me up. He pulled me upstairs and into his room. Why is this happening?

I walked in the room first and heard the door shut and lock. Shun dimmed the lights, cause he knows I'm afraid of the dark. He walked up behind me and held onto my waist. I was trembling.

"Jessika?", he whispered in my ear.


"Are you still mad at me?"

"No". He grabbed me and made me face him. I was surprised to see his eyes full of sadness and despair.

"Do you mind the dare?"


"I'm sorry, but it wasn't Dan's idea.", I looked up at him in shock,"And it wasn't your friends either, it was my idea. I just couldn't be away from you anymore. Everyday, I look at you and realize that you will never be mine until I take it, and I truly am sorry. I just love you so much, I couldn't bear to think you were going to be in someone else's arms when you got married. I truly love you", I was about to cry. He had never spoken to me this way.

"Shun", he looked down at me,"I love you", and I kissed him, but it was a different sensation. The love turned into lust. He pulled away and kissed my neck. He already knew my soft spot, and kept bugging it. I pulled away from him and jumped. He caught me and walked over to the bed. I was straddling him while we kissed. It was getting more heated. He started getting ahead of me and threw me onto the bed. He pulled everything off both of us. I was on top of him this time. I finally found his soft spot. I started to rub between his shoulder blades, which is one of his favorite spots, and he moaned. He grabbed my hair and pulled. I layed down as he got on top of me.

"Jessika, are you sure?", I only nodded. I knew at that moment, we were together, for life.

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