Chapter 38- How Big Is It

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Jessika's POV

Yes! I'm getting married to Shun. I can't believe this is actually happening. Anyways, I was having this thing at Shun's house. He had all his dudes over and I had all my girls.

"Hey Jessika", said Maria as I walked in the room.

"So, how big is it?", asked Julie, one of my friends.

"Julie, the size doesn't matter. Just the fact that we're engaged is enough"

"Yeah not for me", said Runo as she climbed over and grabbed my hand. They all came over and kept looking at my ring. I looked over and noticed Ashley on her phone. I got up and grabbed it, I ran for like three seconds cause the door flew open. I stopped and Ashley flunged herself and got back her phone. Aw, why she had to ruin the fun? I looked toward the door to see all the guys walking in. Great. They just sat wherever and with whoever. Justin grabbed me and spun me around. Jonnathan hugged me, Jodonis and Arnaldo kissed my cheeks. It was guys just being guys. I started laughing when Zayn took Ashley's phone from her and lifted it so she couldn't reach it.

"And then you get mad when I take it", I said to her and she stuck her tongue out at me. She is such a seven year old. I looked over to Lisbeth and saw Justin holding her and she was leaning into his chest. Those two are the ultimate love birds. I realized that Shun wasn't there.

"Yo people, where's Shun?", everyone just looked around. I didn't think twice and ran out the door. His house isn't that big, where did he go?

"Shun!", I called out, but nothing. This is messed up. "Shun, you have three seconds to get over here or you will really be dead!", and no answer. One, nothing. Two, nothing. Two and a half, nothing. I never made it to three. I ran through all the rooms looking for him. I ran back to the room, panicking.

"Where's Shun?", I asked the guys and none of them answered."Justin, where is he?", I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and he just laughed. I let him go and looked around, everyone was laughing too.

"What's so funny?", I asked calming down. Suddenly, I felt someone grab me and lift me up into the air. I screamed so loud and when I looked, the devil himself. I was going to kill him. Three, something. He threw me up and caught me bridal style. I looked like I was going to murder him. He put me down and started laughing.

"Aw, c'mon babe. It's not like I will ever scare you like that", uh. As if.  Everyone started leaving until finally it was just us two. I went up to the room, grabbed my stuff from his and went into my room. There was no way that I was going to sleep with him tonight.

"Aw, don't be like that Jess", he grabbed me and wouldn't let go. I was pratically dragging him across the floor.

"No Shun. You gave me the biggest scare", I said without looking at him. He stood up abruptly and grabbed my wrist.

"I didn't scare you. You're only saying that so I could feel guilty", I tried to shake him off, but I couldn't. I was about to cry right then and there. Shun turned me around and lifted my face into the light. I looked right into his eyes.

"I really did scare you", he stopped his cockyness and gave me a sincere look.

"Shun, I thought I lost you. I already lost my brother and sister without saying good bye, imagine you. Shun, nothing scares me most, than losing the ones I love", I was crying.  I couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Hey, hey, hey. Please don't cry, I hate seeing you this way. I was only trying to see if you could take a prank or something. Don't worry, I won't leave you or do this to you again. I promise", he looked me straight in the eye.

"Okay. But if you EVER, leave me or do something like that again, prepararte(Get ready)", he gulped and smiled. I love him, but my heart comes first.

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