Chapter 34- Lisbeth and Justin Part 2

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Jessika's POV

Shun was worrying me, but I couldn't think cause of Lisbeth's hunger cravings or the thing that you get when you're pregnant.

"I want nutella with bread and mustard", I looked at her like she was insane.

"Okay, a few things. First, nasty fu. Second, why?, Third, I would never mix nutella with anything. And fourth, tell your husband"

"Uh, just get me my food!", well, mood swings.

"Justin! Get Lisbeth some of her pregers food!"

"You have two legs, use them!", he yelled back. I cursed under my breath. Why do I always have to do things for this retard. I went downstairs and got Lisbeth her food. It smelled and looked horrible. I took it upstairs and gave it to Lisbeth.

"Better. Thank you boo", she said.

"You're welcome", I gritted through my teeth. I'm upset with her, that was a first.

"So, how are you and Shun. Cause last time, you too weren't seeing eye to eye"

"We're fine, I guess"

"Fine?", she lifted her eyebrows. She more than anyone knew that we were more than fine.

"Okay. Amazing, perfect, happy, in love. Oh, I just love him so much Lisbeth. We get these connections and sparks that I always ignored, but now I'm expressing them. It feels amazing to be in love"

"Um, yeah. I know that", she was going all sarcastic on me. We just started laughing and heard a knock on the door.

"Come in", I said through giggles. Shun and Justin walked in. Justin went over to Lisbeth and sat  down next to her. He put his arm around her waist and kissed her. I smiled at them, they were perfect. Suddenly, I felt arms grab me and lift me up. I saw Shun laughing as he sat down and sat me on his lap. I leaned back to grab his head and I turned. He was there smiling at me. Wow, I love that smile that only I got to see. We leaned in and met in a kiss. I trailed my hands up his chest and into his hair. He moaned and I parted. He looked at me beggingly, but then he looked forward. Lisbeth and Justin were just there smiling at us.

"Aw come on. It's not like you do it too", they both turned red and looked away. Shun and I just laughed.

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