68- A Few Days

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Jessika's POV

I have been waking up in Yoshitsune's arms all week. He takes really good care if me. Right now I was alone since he had to go work. Robin could've given him the week off, but nope. Anyway, I starts cleaning a little around the house. Doing laundry, cleaning the floor, dusting the house. It took me about two hours to do everything without the kids around. I looked at the time and Yoshitsune would be coming in about half an hour. I went in to take a shower. When I stepped out, I heard someone break the front door. Yoshitsune hurry!!! I ran and hid in one of the corners of my bedroom. I heard the footsteps go down the hall to the kids' rooms. I took this chance to run out and into the living room. I was heading to get a knife when I heard that horrible voice.

"Where you going gorgeous? Did you forget about me?" I turned to meet face to face with the one and only Klaus Von Hurtzen. Next to him was that idiot from the other nights.

"What are you doing here?" I eyed the knives.

"Nu uh uh. Little Jessika, do you really think a knife can handle both of us?" I nodded at him. "Ha!" I've always hated the way Klaus looked at me. Mostly after that day. They both stood up. I moved back toward the door. Then I realized they shut the door tight. I looked down and was only in a bath towel.

"Robin will be here any second. You are going to be in major trouble"" I was buying some time for Yoshitsune to come. Klaus didn't believe my story and came up to me. His fingers started tracing my jawline and my neck. I slapped his hand away. He slapped me across the face.

"You have no one. Shun doesn't love you anymore. You're mine" Klaus said as he pulled me toward him and threw me over his shoulder. I was kicking and screaming, but no one would come. He threw me onto the bed. I started moving and I got off. He threw me again. And I still moved. He picked me up one last time and got on top of me. He was holding my arms down and my legs were out of kicking range.

"Let go of me!!!!" I was moving under him to try to escape but he kept gripping me tighter and tighter.

"Like I said, you have no one that loves you" he was about to take the towel off when he was thrown off me.

"YOSHITSUNE!!!!" he came in time.

"She has me" he said. He stood in front of me, shielding me from both me . Klaus looked at him. I guess he didn't want to fight another ninja. So he and the other man just left. Yoshitsune made sure they left and he locked the door. He came back into the room and I ran up to him. "Don't worry Jess. You have me in this world. Don't ever feel like you have no one. Remember that I do love you" I nodded and kept my head on his chest.

"I know Klaus. He raped me before, multiple times when I was younger. Shun saved me too late. You made it just in time" I looked and him and his grip got tighter.

"Come on" he led me to the kitchen and sat me on the counter. He went to the fridge and got me an ice pack. He put it on my cheek. He moved my hair out of the way from the other side of my face. I looked at his hand.

"Yoshitsune, you're bleeding" his hand had a scratch running all the down to his wrist. He shrugged. I got off the counter and went into the hall closet. I took out the gauze front he first aid kit with some rubbing alcohol. "come on" I told him and he laughed. We went into the bedroom. The pain from my face was gone, but there was slight bruising. "This is going to hurt" I told him before I put the alcohol on. He cringed a bit, but he didn't move. I wrapped his arm in gauze after. "Better?" he was about to nod when he got a devious look on his face.

"Can you kiss it to make it better?" he said in a six year old voice. I rolled my eyes and kissed his hand.

"Your turn" I turned my head so he could kiss me cheek, but when he was close enough I turned my head so he could kiss my lips. I think he liked that even more because he pulled me closer to him. I widened my eyes when I realized I only had the towel on. Sparks were flying and running through us, but I wasn't dressed. He separated from me. He sighed.

"Go get dressed. I don't want to take things so far until we get married" I nodded and went to get dressed. Then I froze dead in my tracks.

"Married?" I turned to him. He widened his eyes and covered his mouth when he realized that too.

"Did I say it out loud?" I nodded. "okay".

I got dressed and we went out.

"Where are you taking me?" He covered my eyes and we started walking.

"It's a surprise" we stopped. Yoshitsune turned me toward him. He kissed me passionately. "Happy birthday" I gasped. I completely forgot it was my birthday. I was turning twenty nine.

"Thank you" We kissed again and he covered my eyes again. I felt grass, so I knew it was a park. I heard kids laughing as I knew one was Keith. Then it stopped. Yoshitsune uncovered my eyes and there was everyone.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!" I started crying. Everyone was there. Keith and Rage came running up to me. I hugged them both super tight. They went back and Shun came up to me. Yoshitsune's grip got tighter on my shoulder. I put my hand over his to calm him down. Shun took out a small box. He have I to me.

"Jessika, I'm sorry. Please forgive me" I looked at him questionably and opened the box. There was an engagement ring in the center. I opened my eyes. I felt Yoshitsune leave.

"I do forgive you, but not enough" I gave Shun back the engagement ring and walked up to Yoshitsune. I grabbed his arm and pulled him toward me. "I have my eyes on someone else" I put my hand on his cheek, "And I've fallen in love with him. I didn't think it was possible, but it is" I turned to Shun. He stared at us. He walked up to us. I took a defensive stand. Shun stook his hand out for Yoshitsune and they shook hands.

"Take care of her. I was stupid. She deserves for someone to be with her forever. Hurt her, and I will hurt you" Yoshitsune looked at me and smiled.

"Don't worry. I know what I need to do" They looked each other in the eyes and shook heads. I'm guessing it's a guy thing. Shun walked to the table with the guys. Yoshitsune hugged me. "I love you" he kissed me and all the girls awed and the guys gagged.

"I love you too"

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