The Watchers (Rogue's POV)

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Dear Diary: May 4, 2013

"Our actual origin is a mystery; all we know is that we were chosen by some higher power to be the Watchers about 500 years before the Volturi came into existence. We are from Greece as well. I was 30 years old when I was chosen. I was engaged to a wonderful man named Alexander Melanides. Because I was unwilling to leave my life without him, Alexander was also made into a Watcher. That way we could be immortal and live and love forever. Unlike popular myths, we aren't slayers like Buffy from TV. And both men and women are Watchers. We coexist quite well with vampires. The Volturi have known about us from the beginning. They also knew that we were much more powerful than they could ever be or hope to be. We were created for the sole purpose to make sure vampires and humans among other species could coexist with each other without mass slaughtering.

I was chosen as the leader of the Watchers from the very beginning. My job was and is to keep the peace and to make sure the Volturi don't overstep their bounds like they did today. Aro knew the consequences of his actions. I just think that he either stopped caring or grew way too complacent because we haven't come to visit him in a while and he figured he could just slide by. The Volturi and I had very similar rules. No exposure, no immortal children, no creation of large armies, and no unjustified killing. Out of all of the Volturi, I couldn't stand Caius the most. He was the most arrogant and thought he was the king of the world. The only thing he and I ever had in common was our annoyance of the Children of the Moon. So I was not at all upset when he had them hunted into near extinction.

Amy and Corin are also from Greece. Amy is actually engaged to a vegetarian vampire. And Corin.....well now you know. It is not uncommon for Watchers to marry vampires. Because our job is to protect the human race, when that does happen, the vampires are vegetarians like you. There aren't many out there but enough. As a total, there are 1 million Watchers in the world. And they all report to me. So as you can imagine, it's a big job. Then there are junior Watchers like Michelle. Michelle became a Watcher 500 years ago along with her family. She was 17 at the time she was chosen, but because of her youthful appearance, she can pass for 13 too. We have less than 1,000 junior Watchers because they are commonly not used. Just to set the record straight, for you Nessie, Michelle didn't lie about anything accept who she really was. Her friendship and kinship with you was and is totally genuine. And I'm frankly really glad she has finally found a friend more or less her age in the same vicinity as her.

We have lived everywhere in the world over these millennia and speak multiple languages each. We've lived here in America since almost the very first colonies. We knew America was a large country where we could assimilate into and change location without changing country or language. Hence is why we speak English perfectly without an accent. But if you ask us to speak our native Greek, we can speak that too without an accent as well as all the other languages. We also knew about the Quileute wolves from the beginning of their times. And have been around the tribe many times. Of course because of our invisibility powers no one knew we were there. We at first came to assess if they were dangerous and as unpredictable as the Children of the Moon. When we saw their communities and their love for their families and unity, we were satisfied that we had found another species that was able to coexist with humans without problems. We actually loved their stories and their ways of life including the whole imprinting thing which was quite fascinating to us. I left feeling satisfied.

We are fully immortal and unlike wolves, vampires, or hybrids, we are totally and completely indestructible. We are invincible. We were created not to be killed. There is nothing you could do to us to kill us. We breathe but we don't have to if we don't need to. We eat human food. We sleep but can go up to a month without. We never lose our energy. Our powers are quite extensive as you've seen. But you only saw the tip of the iceberg. I have the most in powers then the others as I'm the leader but believe me, if Amy, Corin or any of the others were caught unawares and on their own......they could still deal with it without my help. Everyone is self-sufficient.

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