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Dear Diary: 

                                                              May 1, 2013

After our date in the woods, Esme and I were on cloud nine. We were like in the honeymoon stage all over again. Everyone thought it was cute except Emmett who would make all sorts of disgusted noises. I swear he's more immature then Jacob and Seth sometimes! Today we were all in the living room. Michelle couldn't come over for some reason and Nessie was just hanging out with the family and the pack. She felt sad because Michelle would always come over when they had free time but today she had told Nessie that something came up with some relatives and she had to go away for the day. Happens.

So the afternoon started off quite uneventful. I was sitting in my favorite chair and was reading the Wall Street Journal while Esme was reading her new crocheting book that Alice had gotten her in Japan. Jasper was teaching Seth how to play chess while Emmett and Jacob watched a football game. Leah, Nessie, and Bella were lying in the middle of the room on the rug putting together some sort of 3D jigsaw puzzle. None of us could make heads or tails of what it was supposed to be yet. Meanwhile, Alice and Rose were sitting cross legged on the floor by the couch playing with Alice's HP Intel iPad, taking turns drawing out new patterns for fabric. Edward was the only one not attached to another person; he was sitting on the couch doing a cross word puzzle. It was the picture of family contentment.

Esme made a little noise and I looked over to her. She jumped up and ran upstairs. She came back down with her crocheting needles and started to work on the pattern she had just been reading and studying. I smiled. I knew whatever she was doing was going to come out beautiful. She felt my gaze and looked over. Then she smiled and lifted up her things so I could see. I nodded. She went back to her work. Just then Alice hopped up, Rose had the tablet thing in her hands, and Alice ran to get the watering can. I smiled. Esme had asked Alice to water the plants that we have around the entire house the day before.

We didn't have any plants or a small amount of them in Forks but once we came here Esme and Alice had developed a green thumb and decided to fill practically every room in the house with at least one plant. We had ferns, hydrangeas, and lord knows what other kind of plants, I don't even know 98% of the plants' names. I know a lot of things but plants are definitely not my thing. And I'm not the only one. The boys refuse to go near them. Jacob is convinced that one of those plants came from the old movie Little Shop of Horrors and that it would eat him if he got near it. I believe that was a Venus Flytrap.

I can't disagree, the thing is huge and it sits in the hallway on the 2nd floor opposite the window so it could get some light. I swear it grows every day. Jacob literally runs past it in order to get from one wing of the house to the other. I have never seen him walk past that corner ever since Esme put the plant there. We all of course tease him about it and Seth has even tried to push him into the plant. When there's shrieking coming from the second floor, chances are Jacob is somehow involuntarily near that plant.

Before Alice ran off to water the plants she walked over to Jacob, poked him in the shoulder, shoved the watering can toward him, and pointed upwards. Jacob's reaction was classic. He jumped in his chair and started saying no to her in about 4 different languages. He kept moving away from the watering can as if the thing had the worst case of cooties. Everyone was chuckling slightly. Finally with a sigh, Alice ran off to do her watering job. We all got back to our occupations. None of us noticed when Alice came back into the room. But she got everyone's attention when out of nowhere she gasped, dropped the watering can, grabbed her head with both hands, and started shaking it back and forth.

"NO! NO! NO! NO!"

"Alice, what is it? What's happening?" Jasper was at her side in an instant and was trying to get her to look at him. By this time the rest of us were crowded around her looking concerned. Was she in pain?

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