MB. 40.

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As much as it pained me to put in the call to my mother I had done it under Leia's eye. It turned out Leia was right, my mother and father did miss me very much and told me they loved me very much. Not that a twisted ankle was anything for them to rush back for, I neglected to mention the blackout to them. Turns out everything was okay though, with my head. 

I was discharged from the hospital the next day after tests and scans, Leia had taken me home, helping me into the house and setting me up a bed on my sofa, the hospital had given me crushes but recommended doing nothing for a few days, Leia took it upon her self to come and see me every day, taking the spare key and helping me do little bits. 

It had been nearly a week since I had left the hospital and Leia, the kind-hearted woman she was had set me up the telly in the living room so I could watch during my time laying on the sofa, she'd even put me a net up in the living room so I could watch outside without people seeing me. 

Today it was lunchtime before she popped around, her cheerful voice greeting me as she came through the door, "It's just me Blair!" She called as she locked the door up and then appeared in my line of sight. 

"Hi," I smiled at her. "You didn't have to come over again," I told her with a smile. "I still have my crisps from yesterday." I laughed as I held up the nearly empty bag. 

She laughed before she headed through to the kitchen area, "Do you want a drink love?"

"Only because you are offering, yes. Can I have a cup of tea please?" I asked her as I relaxed in my blanket and turned the telly down so it was just background noise. 

I listened as she put the kettle on before she came and sat down on the chair near me, "So I have some news."

"News?" I smiled as I sat up and rubbed my hands together. 

She looked so happy today, something had definitely happened. "I know I didn't hold up my end of the bargain, but I rang my son, not last night, the night before."

"And?" I asked excited to hear her news. 

"Well he didn't answer, so I tried again last night." She beamed, "And we actually had a conversation."

"That's such good news," I told her, genuinely happy for her. "Amazing what a simple phone call can do."

She nodded, "Well he was wary at first, but he has agreed to meet me. I am so happy that we are on speaking terms again." She smiled to herself, a wide smile before we heard the kettle click, she walked away back to the kitchen to sort out our drinks. 

I looked out the window as I waited, I was happy for her. A little jealous that again I had no one. A phone call to my family was okay, but it wasn't enough, not when I really didn't have anyone else in my life. As I looked absent-mindedly out the window I noticed someone walk past my house, I tried to focus my eyes, to see who it was but it was too late, they were gone and I couldn't get up to have a proper look, not in time anyway. 

"Here love," Leia placed my cup of tea down on the coffee table in front of me before she sat back in her chair with her cuppa. "I really hope that my son and I remain in contact." She looked sad for a second, "It's just there is so much that has happened."

I smiled at her, "I would like to tell you that love conquers all," I rolled my eyes. "But I would be lying." I laughed, "But maybe a mother's love for her son is different."

She nodded, "You will only truly understand that bond until it has happened to you. There is no greater love than the love between a mother and their child." She was obviously thinking of happier times as she spoke, the grin on her face so wide. 

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